LabCorp Sucks !

Yeah, we know that they monitor this site. It's too bad that they don't take some of these posts/threads seriously and try to change the culture that is LabCorp. Then again that would require intelligence, leadership and a willingness to admit that they(corporate) don't know everything. As usual, corporate has all the answers, the problem is they don't have a clue what the questions are.

I work at Labcorp and greatful to have a job. I run logs on all outbound Internet traffic and create a management report of all connections to Cafepharma,, and another blog commonly used by laboratory sales personal. My report goes to the top managment and H.R. departments. Although I am not proud of my job assignments I need to perform my work as given to me.

Laptop aircards are also tracked. If you think you're safe hiding in your cardboard box connecting to this site using a flashlight your wrong. Even using a company PC or Laptop cookies and history log are captured at login using script.

You have been played all along. And you thought you were so smart :)

See that is my point exactly ! This stupid company puts resources into treating the symptoms. They don't care about their People, only profits. Doing the least amount for the employees, reducing benefits every year ( while raising insurance rates. This is actually a profit center for the good ole LCA), STEALING Commissions from the SME / KAE's in order to reach their EBIDAT Goals ! They call those missing Commissions .... " Dis-allowables " They magically occur when the Stock prices are down and the pressure from Wall Street happens. Then every 4th quarter, they drop of significantly, so the Operations folks get their year end bonus. Check it out, look back every year and you will see it.

The Truth .... You can't handle the truth .......

I work at Labcorp and greatful to have a job. I run logs on all outbound Internet traffic and create a management report of all connections to Cafepharma,, and another blog commonly used by laboratory sales personal. My report goes to the top managment and H.R. departments. Although I am not proud of my job assignments I need to perform my work as given to me.

Laptop aircards are also tracked. If you think you're safe hiding in your cardboard box connecting to this site using a flashlight your wrong. Even using a company PC or Laptop cookies and history log are captured at login using script.

You have been played all along. And you thought you were so smart :)

If you are stupid enough to use a labcorp computer to access this site.then you should be fired for being an assehole

If you are stupid enough to use a labcorp computer to access this site.then you should be fired for being an assehole

Actually being an a**hole has nothing to do with it. Stupidity, in and of itself, would be ample reason for dismissal, in a normal company. However, LCA is not a normal company. It's full of idiots who would use their personal company pc's and laptops to post on sites, such as CafePharma. In fact, those are the same knuckleheads that have run this company into the ground. The previous poster was spot on when referring to treating the symptoms and not the illness. Case in point... a problem in my division is being dealt with by trying to pin the blame for the problem, on another department(I am sure that most LCA employees are familiar with this scenario). The whole reason for the basis of the problem is a failure to replace employees who have retired or quit. In a reasonable workplace, it would be easy to identify this issue and deal with it by hiring new employees. Once again, though, we are dealing with LCA. So, the "offending" department head cannot be honest and upfront about the problem, for fear of losing his job because he's not a "team player." Instead, blame is twisted, contorted and remolded so that it fits the innocent department, despite the fact that it is in no way, shape or form involved. Corporate and divisional muckety-mucks are so allergic to the truth that if they enter a room where the truth has been told within the previous 24 hours, they instantly go into anaphylactic shock. It amazes me that somehow this company manages to survive, in spite of itself.

Actually being an a**hole has nothing to do with it. Stupidity, in and of itself, would be ample reason for dismissal, in a normal company. However, LCA is not a normal company. It's full of idiots who would use their personal company pc's and laptops to post on sites, such as CafePharma. In fact, those are the same knuckleheads that have run this company into the ground. The previous poster was spot on when referring to treating the symptoms and not the illness. Case in point... a problem in my division is being dealt with by trying to pin the blame for the problem, on another department(I am sure that most LCA employees are familiar with this scenario). The whole reason for the basis of the problem is a failure to replace employees who have retired or quit. In a reasonable workplace, it would be easy to identify this issue and deal with it by hiring new employees. Once again, though, we are dealing with LCA. So, the "offending" department head cannot be honest and upfront about the problem, for fear of losing his job because he's not a "team player." Instead, blame is twisted, contorted and remolded so that it fits the innocent department, despite the fact that it is in no way, shape or form involved. Corporate and divisional muckety-mucks are so allergic to the truth that if they enter a room where the truth has been told within the previous 24 hours, they instantly go into anaphylactic shock. It amazes me that somehow this company manages to survive, in spite of itself.

This person has hit the proverbial nail on the head. Let me, if I may, add to this... management-types, with very,very few exceptions, are always looking to ascribe blame. Needless to say, the blame and their fingers are always pointing at someone else. Why? Well, as the above poster indicated, there is always that dreaded fear of unemployment. There is an environment of intimidation at LabCorp and it's too bad. Good people leave, good ideas remain unspoken and unexplored, easy remedies for problems go undone and the status quo continues. We live in a world where toleration and fairness are the watchwords of society, and in fact, the exact opposite is true. Employees make mistakes, it's inevitable. Seems straightforward and yet, these same employees live in fear of making a mistake because their livelihood could very well be taken away from them. Instead of admitting mistakes, denial creeps in, or blaming someone else becomes easier, even if it adversely affects another persons livelihood or position within the company. Management is, indeed, allergic to the truth. Those who do stand up and admit their failures are viewed as incompetent buffoons and are shown the door at the earliest convenient date. LabCorp wants and expects loyalty from employees, all the while exhibiting nothing but disdain and contempt for those same employees. Burlington is rife with a bunch of do-nothings who have jobs here only because of friends and family. Actually, "job" doesn't really describe their position. The only position that they really have is spending 8 hours a day trying to justify their "job" and keep their handsome salary and benefits. Everyone at the bottom of the food chain suffers because these morons issue orders and edicts about policies, procedures and job-related issues, that they, the morons, have absolutely no clue about. How about a dose of truth? If you don't know what you're doing, then goodbye. Uncle Charlie got you your job and you don't know what you're doing? Goodbye! You have a piece of paper that states you graduated from some institution of higher learning and now you know everything and are too important to learn anymore... goodbye! You made a mistake? Okay, thanks for owning up to it, now how do we fix it? I realize that throwing everyone in Burlington under the proverbial bus is wrong, and that a lot of this stuff emanates from division hq's as well, but crap rolls downhill and Burlington is full of it. Wow, didn't mean to go on and on like that. Sorry! Did that make sense?

I think I'm about to go into anaphylatic shock. I worked at a company that was not a "normal" company (sorry for crashing your board) by any of the stretch of the imagination. It was difficult to know the truth or who to trust. From the beginning of my employment, I was scrutinized and had so many derogatory nick-names who could "trust" anyone. I made mistakes in who I trusted, but I told the truth about many things. In the end, I was just a VAMP - instead of what I really was...trying to help. Yep, a well worth experience. Epi-pen not required.

I was fired today for no reason at all. My supervisor told me H.R. asked her questions about me posting on this site. This is my first post, but not my last.

Those f'n jerk holes in NJ that want to kiss Haas's ass go ahead. He's the head idiot with many followers all with IQ's below a neutered dogs spearm count.

I'm pissed. real pissed. Contacting an attorney and like the company will take action too. I never cared about the politics. Only knowing my hard work helped people. Now that I'm being dragged under the car becuase of this site and somone who may have posted here. I'm going to post every day.

FU N.E. division management. Shame on you for allowing good people to be damaged for your benifit.

Bill Haas is a re-cycled ass hole !

You will not be the last person screwed by LCA.

The best thing you can do is hook up with another lab and go after them.

Bill is drunk on the Kool-Aid too .... Sold his sole to the devil for the Corporate B.S.

Sales folks .... it will happen to you, don't wait and get screwed.

Screw the pooch, before they come for you.

Such a paranoid company, no ethics, morals, just Greed !

Bastards !

I was fired today for no reason at all. My supervisor told me H.R. asked her questions about me posting on this site. This is my first post, but not my last.

Those f'n jerk holes in NJ that want to kiss Haas's ass go ahead. He's the head idiot with many followers all with IQ's below a neutered dogs spearm count.

I'm pissed. real pissed. Contacting an attorney and like the company will take action too. I never cared about the politics. Only knowing my hard work helped people. Now that I'm being dragged under the car becuase of this site and somone who may have posted here. I'm going to post every day.

FU N.E. division management. Shame on you for allowing good people to be damaged for your benifit.

Truly sorry about your situation. A prime example of management-buffoons who don't have a clue, never will have a clue and couldn't spell "clue" if their lives depended on it. More of the same... let's ignore the real problems(primarily because we don't know how to fix them and are far too superior to the employee paeans to ask for input) and create some other BS, all the while feeling good about ourselves; stroking our collective egos and furthering our exaggerated sense of self-importance. Here's to hoping that you can sue the hell out of those jerks and take LCA for a real financial ride!

Agree with above poster. Cafepharma police are everywhere! They will come for you at a moments notice and contact your HR dept. Take LCA for a real ride and make sure your employment Esq. knows what injustice occurred.

Truly sorry about your situation. A prime example of management-buffoons who don't have a clue, never will have a clue and couldn't spell "clue" if their lives depended on it. More of the same... let's ignore the real problems(primarily because we don't know how to fix them and are far too superior to the employee paeans to ask for input) and create some other BS, all the while feeling good about ourselves; stroking our collective egos and furthering our exaggerated sense of self-importance. Here's to hoping that you can sue the hell out of those jerks and take LCA for a real financial ride!

Until you retain a Esq take my advice - Stop posting here. You've done enough damage to your possible case with this one....

this company is great. for 4 years I worked there and in the summer I 1. napped 2. golfed 3. most definitely did not work and all in no particular order.

eventually, i needed a real job and the dimwit that i worked for, while easy to convince that I was working hard, was one of those lapbore losers that would never be able to work outside of silly company.

I agree, go and get a job where you are valued by management, and the local management style is experienced, respectful, and is based on a moral vision. It doesn't cost money to manage with these skills, and it doesn't mean you don't have high expectations of your team. It does mean the XX Director isn't easily manipulated by the XX XX Sales where employees notice hands bumping into parts of bodies that are inappropriate as they walk by each other made to look like an innocent mistake. Or, an unusual giddiness that doesn't normally exist with others. Or, long term employees are let go that are approved by the XX Director as part of the Sales XX agenda to settle a personal vendetta. When the Sales XX is terminated, pictures are found in the Sales XX's desk of the XX Director & Sales XX taken in front of the Space Needle in various poses. There is no mercy for those the XX Director knows might have caught on. She blames them for things she has no clue about, and where she is suppose to be neutral and support you with solutions to help employees be successful, she really helps defeat a selected employee so the employee can be dismissed and it appear as if the company did everything it could. It's all a crock of crap and has nothing to do with the most capable person to get the job done. It's about CYA, and who is connected to who. After thinking long and hard you have to decide if you really want to work in a general mess with a lack of true leadership that displays zero moral vision or guidance. moving on is the best decision because we are worth more than that. If we don't teach LCA this, nobody else will.