LabCorp buying more labs???????

Rumor has it LC will be purchasing labs in areas where they are losing MS

LOL Wow, did you think that one up on your own. Hey I got some more news. 1+1=2
GTFO unless you can name names. Seriously, you might as well be telling people that Washington is going to run the ball and pass the ball in their playoff game on Sunday.
LCA is going to buy some labs. LOL Yes that is shocking.

No shit. What a fucking genius. Did you just get hired by LC and drank a little too much kool-aid ??
If you're in the South you might have something to worry about. We're looking there first.

How has ppl been surviving in the marketplace in western washington since Lca took over? Just curious what the fall out is.

PPL hasn't been surviving; they've laid off a good chunk of their staff, and LabCorp will be making an official announcement of the acquisition in a few months. PPL's referral sources were primarily the alternative medicine crowd (big thing in Seattle); LabCorp can expect to get a decent percentage - but not all - of that business...

PPL had to sell out when their big payers started slashing their rates in 2012 - couldn't compete when their rates were much less than Medicare...

PPL hasn't been surviving; they've laid off a good chunk of their staff, and LabCorp will be making an official announcement of the acquisition in a few months. PPL's referral sources were primarily the alternative medicine crowd (big thing in Seattle); LabCorp can expect to get a decent percentage - but not all - of that business...

PPL had to sell out when their big payers started slashing their rates in 2012 - couldn't compete when their rates were much less than Medicare...
