Lab Corps buys liposcience- we are screwed


So now that Lab Corps bought liposcience how are we ever going to get lab corps accounts to use us, when they have liposcience. We have no footing against them know since they bought our competitor. Quest and LCA are about to kick our ass with the recent OIG ruling.
Besides terrible management, a product that we can't pull through and quest and lab corps domination this is the worse career move I have ever made. I need to get out

This is not great news. We are trying to become a bigger lab instead of staying a specialty lab and the big labs are going to continue to dominate and keep us shut out. Time to bail

Unless the insurance companies ban us because of NMR which I doubt then we are screwed. Now we have leverage with the insurances. Quest got Cardio IQ which is BS and now labcorp will just use NMR and stop referencing VAps to us in 2015. Easy move for our MC team to position VAP and make us in-network. bess