Any thoughts on KS's talk to R&D Monday?
I feel certain KS will do all he can to retain top talent in Discovery R&D.
You should too.
To the soon to be dearly departed, we salute you!
Are you kidding me? He has done everything he could to get rid of top R&D talent, because they want to be scientists, instead of businessmen, who are the only jerks he respects.
So what did Kevin say in his meeting? Are more layoffs pending?
Kevin said that he couldnt not promise that there wouldn't not be no more layoffs; whatever that means.
That definitely means there will be.
Kevin wants to start by whacking oncology research because they could not Breakaway from Cancer. Despite a huge $$$ investment they could not discover a single oncology therapeutic, nothing, zipp, despite massive arrogance from Terri B.
Terri B?
whacking to start next week
Steal that which isn't nailed down. Destroy any machines you can.
And if you know anything that might qualify for a whistleblower lawsuit, document it. Might make you a couple of million dollars in a few years.
Kevin got his. Why don't you get yours.