KS - Really????


Belgium moves RP out and puts KS in?Can anyone say clueless?RP is well connected to the retina community and should have been on the medical side, not commercial, but it sure made more sense to have him in vs KS. KS has zero ophthalmology experience, let alone retina experience and Belgium makes him the new head of commercial? It's a joke. Why does this company think putting people in positions without the right experience is a formula for success? The list goes on and on - KS, RP, KW, JS, KC. Get your life jacket - this boat is sinking fast!

Belgium moves RP out and puts KS in?Can anyone say clueless?RP is well connected to the retina community and should have been on the medical side, not commercial, but it sure made more sense to have him in vs KS. KS has zero ophthalmology experience, let alone retina experience and Belgium makes him the new head of commercial? It's a joke. Why does this company think putting people in positions without the right experience is a formula for success? The list goes on and on - KS, RP, KW, JS, KC. Get your life jacket - this boat is sinking fast!

It's temporary, if you think about it who else can step in there? There is not one qualifying person. It's pretty ridiculous how the lead person keeps changing. First DP, then RP, then Triad, now KS. Company has trouble making up there mind.

It's pointless! PD, DC, the best decision to make would be to sell the company to someone who can perfect the product, that already has the resources in place, that can make it a success. Not sure what you are thinking placing crooked KS in the lead? The triad did not work, and this won't either, it will only be another dissapointment.

KS, now that you are the head honcho, we can really use a real HR Director, one that actually knows what he/she is doing and can answer questions without asking someone else for the answer. Can you give us that?

KS, now that you are the head honcho, we can really use a real HR Director, one that actually knows what he/she is doing and can answer questions without asking someone else for the answer. Can you give us that?

yeah, employee workshop was useless just like him, the message to all was that no one is getting a merit increase, no matter how much you succeed or desire to, and that is why we have a useless HR director.

KS, now that you are the head honcho, we can really use a real HR Director, one that actually knows what he/she is doing and can answer questions without asking someone else for the answer. Can you give us that?

the workshop was ridiculous, and he is ridiculous. ridiculous is a core value at TG. the more ridiculous the better!

He is looking to blame anyone but his precious MSL's...why is everyone at the top so blind?
It is a truly pathetic group of leaders. The best RAM's are interviewing. This group is a joke.