KOL and B+L


I am interested in what the KOL think of B+L. The last thread indicated that the KOL may have some negative opinions? What are the negatives? What are the positives? What is the Opinion of Management? (Mid-Management? Upper Management?)

I am interested in what the KOL think of B+L. The last thread indicated that the KOL may have some negative opinions? What are the negatives? What are the positives? What is the Opinion of Management? (Mid-Management? Upper Management?)

you're an idiot for asking this. Ask any ophthalmologist where they rank B&L in order of importance to their practice and it's not even in the top 5. ask an optometrist and it's not in the top 10.

you're an idiot for asking this. Ask any ophthalmologist where they rank B&L in order of importance to their practice and it's not even in the top 5. ask an optometrist and it's not in the top 10.

You would think that a company that is in trouble would do something about the changing the key management within the organization.

A few changes at the top. The rest is the same as 4 years ago. Since so little is changing at this company maybe the profits are not that bad.

If things were as bad as you say it would be insanity not to gut the organization in order to make it more efficient and put it on the right track.

You would think that a company that is in trouble would do something about the changing the key management within the organization.

A few changes at the top. The rest is the same as 4 years ago. Since so little is changing at this company maybe the profits are not that bad.

If things were as bad as you say it would be insanity not to gut the organization in order to make it more efficient and put it on the right track.

Ummmmm....where have you been? You must not have been here very long if you didn't know that there is constant turnover at many different levels of the company. There are new reorganizations and shuffling of people around in various departments like HR, VPs, different management, and reps.

Much is changing. The profits are indeed bad. You just might be blind to the changes really happening.

The same management that has been screwing this company up are still here and have enough influence (hiring, writing objectives, setting company strategy, etc ) to screw it up some more. One bad apple spoils the whole barrel. B+L does not know how to get rid of the bad apples. That is why the company is in the pits.