Knoxville/Chattanooga WORST MGRS


Seriously, how many voicemails can you leave us. Enough. Also, How much work can you give us that unrelated to our job. Thanks for loading us up with stupid spreadsheets and crap just to justify your job. FYI - Every person I have spoke to loathes you all. How about shut up and just let us sell. But no, you have to make everyone miserable by your perceptions. Yes, and that is all it is. perceptions, not truth. You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. And thanks a lot for "coaching" off label and pushing us to be unethical. We all have proof of that on both of you. Just remember SFM and DJ, the way you are treating people now will come back hard on you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I hear you loud and clear. We are chatt or clev (so they dont know), and they leave voicemails all day long. She thinks we listen. I actually feel sorry for her. SFM is actually the worst manager we have ever worked with.

HOLY WOW. They only have 10 people each they manage and this is how their reps talk. The managers are in prez club right now. thats the problem. So Brown loves them for that. Forget what the reps say. Its what Slick Judy or SFM says. SFM is hated from everyone I talk to. There is a mass exodus due to Judy and SFM. They will have their sheep soon and be happy with no push back. Bad thing for them is they will all suck and be scared to say anything.

This is ridiculous. She is and so is he. They love power. I have seen SFM detail in front of one of my doctors and it was a like a deer in headlights. This happens when you have a 28 year old given the power to affect peoples lives. They are going to be happy soon when everyone on my team is gone and they will hire right out college and be able to control them. They don't control us, we just laugh it off. The big thing all you need to know is there are other jobs out there AND you earn your commission. They don't give it to you. You all don't need to concern yourselves with the things of this world. It's all ridiculous, short sighted, and useless. There are far more important things than SFM and DJ. Let them have their way and find something else to do. You will be happier in the long run. My resignation letter will be in their hands sooner than later.

This is ridiculous. She is and so is he. They love power. I have seen SFM detail in front of one of my doctors and it was a like a deer in headlights. This happens when you have a 28 year old given the power to affect peoples lives. They are going to be happy soon when everyone on my team is gone and they will hire right out college and be able to control them. They don't control us, we just laugh it off. The big thing all you need to know is there are other jobs out there AND you earn your commission. They don't give it to you. You all don't need to concern yourselves with the things of this world. It's all ridiculous, short sighted, and useless. There are far more important things than SFM and DJ. Let them have their way and find something else to do. You will be happier in the long run. My resignation letter will be in their hands sooner than later.

Glad SFM and DJ are in TN and not KY! She is a bull and DJ didn't do anything up here but send trigger letters to docs he didn't even call on! Brown has a lot to do with their behavior as well. They are getting pressure from him to get reps out that he feels are not effective. "Make stuff up if you have to, I want robots!" It is sad.

Upstanding??? Are you serious? Help me understand?
I find them both to be rude, bull headed, non-supportive. They lead by fear.. They can't coach, they can't detail, they have horrible relationship... Bullying is all they are good at.
I'm so unimpressed by them..looks, no looks.. They have no personality. I won't want to hNg with them on a social level either.. Boring and dull... No personality. They can't teach me a thing...Terrible representation of management in my opinion.

Upstanding??? Are you serious? Help me understand?
I find them both to be rude, bull headed, non-supportive. They lead by fear.. They can't coach, they can't detail, they have horrible relationship... Bullying is all they are good at.
I'm so unimpressed by them..looks, no looks.. They have no personality. I won't want to hNg with them on a social level either.. Boring and dull... No personality. They can't teach me a thing...Terrible representation of management in my opinion.

Actually I was kidding about fair and upstanding! But you are spot on! The way they are treating some of the reps who are good at what they do. I hear someone is ruffling her feathers right now and it's hilarious to watch her squirm. One day, I hope she realizes what a mean, heartless, little girl she is. Sarah Frances, you are an idiot. I feel so sorry for you, and especially your husband. He actually has to live with your mouth. I would be a wife beater if I were married to you.

Hey team SFM, we will be meeting in Room C for a quick 2 hour meeting regarding how I like to hear myself talk. I am going to show all of you why I am the best manager and why nothing you say will ever change this. I want each of you to know that you are all in the top 25% of Prez club but it's not what you did, it's b/c of me and DJ. We are the reason you all are allowed bonus checks.

Hey numb nuts! It's time for you to ask yourself, do I really want to take SFM and DJ's crap anymore? Well, you don't have to. I am tired of seeing people I like drop like flies. They are the smart one's to leave. I just love to see SFM act like she has everything under control when she is really just a dumbass. She would say, well I am in presidents club! Well, your team got you there. What? You forgot that it takes a team. It has nothing to do with you. Also, DJ, just shut the hell up and go hit on some more girls at the POA. Oh, didn't think anyone knew did you there SLICK!

To the last comment, so we're you one of the "Slick" targets? I was and he is gross and twisted!! What an ass. All I can say and/or hope, it will come back to haunt him. That bitch of a wife will figure it out soon and "Slick Dick Judy" will come to an end. Only a matte of time my friend!!!

Well, sometimes people get what they deserve and then...sometimes people get screwed and the bad guys win. SFM gets promoted to SDM and her and slick dick Judy both get to go to Rome. Bull...Fing.....Sh*t!!!!! And on top of that, several of the reps that got them there "just missed it". I am so sick of this bullsh*t. I am out of here soon. Add another rep to the list of their crumbling team. Good luck with your car washers and cell phone techs.