You know Many already know it's a known fact they promote who they like not necessarily who is qualified for the job, but this takes the cake. I've never seen him do anything other than "moderate" a training call where he has nothing to say and Christy talks over him and puts him in his place. The training job was gifted because he lives in St. Louis and no one wants to move there. Ever notice that the top performing reps suddenly are then "managed" by DBMs that have never had successful sales careers and now they are suddenly telling reps what to do. This company has never had any kind of formal manager training program which in reality should take months of training. Instead, they hire people with no qualifications and even worse backgrounds with no proven successful measurable achievements. They literally hire them and they are instant managers with zero skills. Then they expect the sales reps to respect these people. Yet another reason to leave this dreadful place.