Kite craziness


What will happen with Kite? Rudderless... Misaligned leadership. No sales leadership. A GPO team with a hospital inpatient product. Throwing away money and lack focus. Will get crushed by BMS and any competitor with a strategic bone in their body. No strategy. Sales team is a joke. National account team is an embarrassment.

The issue is people in way over their heads and no real leadership driving smart, strategic decisions. The amount of wasteful effort and political sucking up is brutal. Throwing money and resources at non-essential things (GPOs) etc. chronic meetings repeating the same things literally for last 4-5 years. Total tail chase. And the egos. Most really care more about looking good that solving a real business issue. The model is flawed. It started at the top back in the day and they are paying the price today. They had all the time in the world to establish a strategic competitive advantage in the market and tripped over their own egos and ignorance. Painful.

SC, leader of GPO team is a long time gilead political player. Literally grows team from. 1 to 2 to 5...increased benefit or ROI. Why isn’t anyone even asking what they are getting for those heads and spend. It’s a hospital inpatient product and the GPO community onc team is growing the fastest and spending the most money.
On top of that you have an entire sales organization sitting on countless internally facing zoom incentive to go and do their jobs. The lack of leadership and strategic direction is nauseating

it's very simple, the C team (maybe B on good days) leads, and they lead upwards. The Gilead team involved has zero clue of actual landscape or customer needs and new leadership doesn't have a clue or care to listen. I have never seen a better example of insecure big pharma in my entire career. everyone is self-preserving= culture dead and company over. how quickly can you get another job is the name of the game and the "VPs" aren't even involved or leading. they are so upward focused they have no idea of the sentiment of the field. sadly Kite is dead. Gilead mediocre who creeped over doesn't understand car t or oncology. sad, RIP Kite

SC, leader of GPO team is a long time gilead political player. Literally grows team from. 1 to 2 to 5...increased benefit or ROI. Why isn’t anyone even asking what they are getting for those heads and spend. It’s a hospital inpatient product and the GPO community onc team is growing the fastest and spending the most money.
On top of that you have an entire sales organization sitting on countless internally facing zoom incentive to go and do their jobs. The lack of leadership and strategic direction is nauseating

this is priceless and so true. his team has bragged at national meetings about not working and loving their job. how many times can one use the same slides on the number of programs paid for by Gilead signing a check yet business from community oncology at kite declines? why isn't leadership asking these questions as the kite company downsizes? Gilead and new oncology team has the same number of GPO team, but hasn't questioned why kite has a gpo team when community isn't using kite products outside of hospitals?

this is priceless and so true. his team has bragged at national meetings about not working and loving their job. how many times can one use the same slides on the number of programs paid for by Gilead signing a check yet business from community oncology at kite declines? why isn't leadership asking these questions as the kite company downsizes? Gilead and new oncology team has the same number of GPO team, but hasn't questioned why kite has a gpo team when community isn't using kite products outside of hospitals?
GPO guy in my territory doesn't even know anyone at the corporate level of my biggest IDN. The big IDN's have a lot of influence on GPO's and local payors. They should be held accountable for SOMETHING. Can anyone tell me exactly what they've accomplished in any territory that is literally attributed to THEM? I'll wait....

Everyone here focuses on the wrong things. There are several main issues:

1) Community docs don't make any money off CAR-T
2) GPO's don't drive business to CAR-T
3) CTAM's have a limited impact on the product choice the treaters at the ATC make. they are essentially shipment coordinators and don't need to be field-based.
4) CTAS's do drive referrals to the centers but have a limited impact on the product choices the treaters decide on at the ATC.
5) Kite isn't oncology sales. It's essentially a rare disease education and patient ID/pull-through for the CAR-T process. Kite leadership screwed up by trying to sell this product in the community like a typical buy and bill oncology product and data dump on their customers to the point where doctors have no clue what patients to refer or when to start the process. Kite took a very simple sales process and made it cumbersome.
6) Kite has no outpatient strategy

it's very simple, the C team (maybe B on good days) leads, and they lead upwards. The Gilead team involved has zero clue of actual landscape or customer needs and new leadership doesn't have a clue or care to listen. I have never seen a better example of insecure big pharma in my entire career. everyone is self-preserving= culture dead and company over. how quickly can you get another job is the name of the game and the "VPs" aren't even involved or leading. they are so upward focused they have no idea of the sentiment of the field. sadly Kite is dead. Gilead mediocre who creeped over doesn't understand car t or oncology. sad, RIP Kite
This is exactly what we experience on the Veklury Hospital team. Leadership doesn't care aside from checking off a box to move up. They've been way off track as far as business unit direction the entire time we've been in place. 'm guessing most of this team is looking for something else too. If not now definitely by the end of the year.

pretty sad that 80% of the VKY team is below goal. speaks volumes for the lack of insight from leadership.
wonder if Q2 will shape up the same and if KB and DA will do anything to make the goal more realistic.

Most recent disaster is how the person with “pricing” in his title handled the CAR-T price increase. Customer reaction has put us in a hard spot. Lacked forward strategic thinking and came across as reactionary. Pricing person and his boss who only manages up aren’t very externally focused to say the least.

Most recent disaster is how the person with “pricing” in his title handled the CAR-T price increase. Customer reaction has put us in a hard spot. Lacked forward strategic thinking and came across as reactionary. Pricing person and his boss who only manages up aren’t very externally focused to say the least.

Can you imagine the tension between those two right now? “Hey little buddy: are you going to take responsibility for this little pricing catastrophe? Because I’m definitely not going to own it. That would mean I have to be accountable for something”