King reps

I have been through this before with Pfizer. On the day that you are notified, if you are NOT retained, that is actually your last day of work. You will remain on employee status for 8 weeks (or whatever the policy is now) until severance kicks in, but if you have NOT been retained, aka Dec 20, that is your LAST work day that you will sell Pfizer products.

If you are not retained on 12/20, you are done as far as selling product in the field. You still will have admin responsibility. Starters, computer, expense report, company car etc. Since pfizer is only open 12/26-12/28, they will have a hard time closing out 40% of cluster 2 in three business days. I'm sure some admin duties will be completed in January, which means we are on their payroll. We should be entitled to our full 2013 target bonus and lump sum vacation payout.

Once you are notified you are no longer retained(12/20), your field duties are done. You still will have administrative responsibility such as returning starters, computer, storage unit, expense report, return car etc. Since Pfizer is open only 12/26-12/28, they might have a hard time closing out 40% of cluster 2 in three business days. Which means you will be completing administrative duties in 2013 and still on the payroll. So King reps will be entilited to their 2013 target bonus payout of 27K and lump sum vaction payout!

The King severance changes March 1 2013. My guess that is a hint that the first day of the 60 day period will be Jan, 1, 2013. After the 60 day period you will then get your severance which has been two weeks for every year plus 8 weeks. ( That is the Pfizer plan that King will be under after Feb 28th