KF- Thursday is Yom Kippur

Some people can't make your call on Thursday because it is Yom Kippur so remember that! Maybe the call should be moved to another day.

Sorry. Yom whatever is not a national holiday. Not moving anything around to accommodate the three of you who probably don’t observe anyway. We get it. You want another day off.

Sorry. Yom whatever is not a national holiday. Not moving anything around to accommodate the three of you who probably don’t observe anyway. We get it. You want another day off.

Whoa! It's not even my holiday but I know enough to know that it is the holiest day of the year and zero Jewish doctors will be in.

I have two Jewish offices and they are open and seeing patients. You really need to check your facts and not post personal bias.

Good for you. They aren't very religious and the highly Orthodox Jewish sects will fail to recognize them as Jewish.

Even Sabras are not recognized as being Jewish by the very religious sects like the highly Orthodox and Chadisic because some are also anti-Israel.

You could not be more wrong as both offices are big supporters of the Jewish community center and follow a very strict Jewish diet. Drop your personal bias against people you don’t know and pass judgement like you do know them.

Y'all stay antisemitic, racist and hateful on cafepharma! It's shocking how a group of adults can be so childish. I feel bad you have to project your self-loathing and insecurities onto others - anonymously online, at that! We work in mental health for god sake. Go to therapy!

PS: by the way, to the same 5 sad people that post 95% of the racist shit here: Jacobi doesn't even work here anymore, so find a new joke!! Or just get a life.

Good for you. They aren't very religious and the highly Orthodox Jewish sects will fail to recognize them as Jewish.

Even Sabras are not recognized as being Jewish by the very religious sects like the highly Orthodox and Chadisic because some are also anti-Israel.

This is true in many circumstances and onecannot accuse me if being anti-semitic because I am a Semite.

Let’s see. National meeting the day after a holiday weekend. Screws up enjoying the day off because of meeting prep, plus webex on the Friday before meeting. Screws up taking a vacay day, plus we can’t take any more vacay before year’s end. Launching a product on the verge of major holidays. Plus the Yom Kippor.

Home office is a den of geniuses