Kerendia is a Ponzi scheme.


Kerendia CVR was designed to fail to show a loss. 1% of sales reps make 99% of the IC money, and those reps have open formulary coverage for $0 on Medicaid and Bayer can report usage of the med, so it doesn’t look suspect. But really this was never built to win, just fail so they can have a write off because they are having to payout settlements for roundup.

The entire San Diego region vacant. Layoffs silently happening with no announcement being made about that. Large pockets of the country where reps have been here since day one and haven’t made a penny in IC.

Bayer is rotten to its core!

B*tches be brave in SD

reps went up against their manager’s abuse of power and when nothing happened they all quit. 5 reps gone within 2 months. They had a full team at the NSM and now nada. The manager came back from months hiding out on leave and was fired the same day. They are collapsing 1 territory but will fill everything else. Do better next time HH…cheers

B*tches be brave in SD, well stated!

However Kerendia still a front to show a loss. Have to show positive growth to Wall Street, so the round up litigation isn’t as painful, and focus can be on something else.

B*tches be brave in SD

reps went up against their manager’s abuse of power and when nothing happened they all quit. 5 reps gone within 2 months. They had a full team at the NSM and now nada. The manager came back from months hiding out on leave and was fired the same day. They are collapsing 1 territory but will fill everything else. Do better next time HH…cheers

Corruption at its finest. Kerendia offers slight improvement to slowing the disease, be honest. It’s not much and could easily be handled by generic spironalactone. Ask any nephrologist. But the sales and marketing army trying to wear down doctors to prescribe the drug so they can make money. We act like the drug is life changing. It’s not. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

so desperate to get doctors to use, reps are violating hippa guidelines and going to pharmacies to “pull through” the RX. They are gaining confidential info to try and save the prescription at the pharmacy. But we pretend that this is not happening.
