Went through a layoff before and a thread like this was rather interesting. I'm 66k, under 2 years with Daiichi, 5 in industry and since I'm on the West Coast can't say if I'm kept or not.
LET GO: $55,000, 3 1/2 yrs
Kept. $68k base. 3yrs all w DSI
FYI for what I do and how hard I figured out I don't have to work and I made just over $80k last year this industry is a joke. Why would the pay anyone more than 50-70k total to be a sample and food delivery man?
Please save the replies that you are a real rep and you sell for a living. Your a fucking r***** no wonder real sales jobs say no pharma.
I'll coast here till I get the fuck out of this industry.
What a dip shit. How cam you possibly not be able to get 10 solid calls in by 3:00 every day. Do the paper work during lunch or in the afternoon.
Getting paid 70-80k plus the car/gas is beyond fair for 40-50 hours a week. Don't be such a little bitch. We make our own schedule get free breakfast lunch and snacks. So what if you actually work even 50 hrs a week. We get over 15 vaca days plus when have you ever not taken off early if you need to get Ur Jair or nails did? Or take off to see that brat of a kid you have in a terrible 4th grade play
It's an easy nonsales job
Shut Ur pie hole
Seriously, this is job is a joke. I think we definitely get paid well for having our own schedule and working half the hours than any other job I know. It's brain numbing and makes no real impact, but autonomous nevertheless, with tons of perks and a good pay.
I know it gets stressful and tiring catering to food and all their needs, but you can't beat the fact that we can just walk out and take a break for an hour or the whole rest of the day. and anyone can make 10 good calls per day and do admin while waiting.
If you think this is hard, try real sales, where they drill you to have 6-8 sales presentations/day, expecting to close 4 and cold call in between... or devices, where you have to be in OR at 5am and have no control over your schedule... Really, while this industry lasts, enjoy it, you won't find it anywhere else. And Daiichi is really laid back, compared to big pharma.