Kenny flies co helicopter to work?


BUT, we had a thriving company at that time. We didn't have 40,000 plus layoffs with more to come!

Yes but you must remember he despised the sales force and stated he didn't need it to succeed. We proved him wrong with Proscar but it didn't swing his view. Remember also, his legacy is still contributing to our downfall the Ken and Barbie losers.

Yes but you must remember he despised the sales force and stated he didn't need it to succeed. We proved him wrong with Proscar but it didn't swing his view. Remember also, his legacy is still contributing to our downfall the Ken and Barbie losers.

Proscar failed because doctors would rather do surgery ( bigger bucks ) than dispense a drug. Terribly obvious. And the drug was made in the lab next to me. Propecia, that may be another story.

Proscar failed because doctors would rather do surgery ( bigger bucks ) than dispense a drug. Terribly obvious. And the drug was made in the lab next to me. Propecia, that may be another story.

True initially and for a large group of urologists. However, as the market developed many saw Proscar as a money maker through increased volume. I was involved with the top district in the country which made large bonuses every year.
Also, Vagelos had the Midwest vacant state coverage that proved what a myth of no sales force and drug acceptance.

True initially and for a large group of urologists. However, as the market developed many saw Proscar as a money maker through increased volume. I was involved with the top district in the country which made large bonuses every year.
Also, Vagelos had the Midwest vacant state coverage that proved what a myth of no sales force and drug acceptance.

Also remember, it was Vagelos that mandated new college grads were only to be offered sales positions. That really paid off!

Proscar failed because doctors would rather do surgery ( bigger bucks ) than dispense a drug. Terribly obvious. And the drug was made in the lab next to me. Propecia, that may be another story.

I remember seeing a map once at West Point that showed "bubbles" for the number of TURPS being conducted in every surgical hospital in the country divided by the number of men 55+ expected to be patients there (or something like that).

The map labelled the really big ones "Turps Factories" and held a tongue-in-cheek" warning label that advised our older employees to avoid those facilities if they were still in possession of their prostates.

We never sold much Proscar into the areas around those hospitals.

I remember seeing a map once at West Point that showed "bubbles" for the number of TURPS being conducted in every surgical hospital in the country divided by the number of men 55+ expected to be patients there (or something like that).

The map labelled the really big ones "Turps Factories" and held a tongue-in-cheek" warning label that advised our older employees to avoid those facilities if they were still in possession of their prostates.

We never sold much Proscar into the areas around those hospitals.

That is more or less what I heard.

What a leader! Doc just told me that. Amazing!

He is entitled to it. What's the big deal. There is a reason why we don't have a "scientist" as a CEO. What would he say about our crappy pipeline? Also who does the CEO address? Are they scientists? No, they are financial people. The run the funds that own the company. They care about numbers. A good deal about being a CEO is playing a social game. Have you seen out R&D department? Could you imagine them giving out quarterly number? They would not know where to start.

Kenny get a helicopter ride to work every day but employees in IT can't even have a monitor to connect to our docking station or a real telephone... Really great for morale... Can I have my package now, regardless of how much the package is going to suck...

He is entitled to it. What's the big deal. There is a reason why we don't have a "scientist" as a CEO. What would he say about our crappy pipeline? Also who does the CEO address? Are they scientists? No, they are financial people. The run the funds that own the company. They care about numbers. A good deal about being a CEO is playing a social game. Have you seen out R&D department? Could you imagine them giving out quarterly number? They would not know where to start.

That's funny, Merck was once run by a scientist and successfully so. Now it's run by a...wait for it...a mediocre lawyer. What? Where did he get such a business sense to address financial people. Your logic is misplaced. If someone that understood science ran this place the R&D department would not look the way it does now. And yes I could imagine a scientist giving out quarterly numbers. Unlike some of the monkeys recently in charge of this company I think a scientist has the mathematical chops to explain numbers put together by the financial team since they can dumb them down enough so they can be regurgitated by a mediocre lawyer. Where did you get your MBA because somebody should have told you that you a far ways away from being the smartest person in the room.

That's funny, Merck was once run by a scientist and successfully so. Now it's run by a...wait for it...a mediocre lawyer. What? Where did he get such a business sense to address financial people. Your logic is misplaced. If someone that understood science ran this place the R&D department would not look the way it does now. And yes I could imagine a scientist giving out quarterly numbers. Unlike some of the monkeys recently in charge of this company I think a scientist has the mathematical chops to explain numbers put together by the financial team since they can dumb them down enough so they can be regurgitated by a mediocre lawyer. Where did you get your MBA because somebody should have told you that you a far ways away from being the smartest person in the room.

MBA's run every company. I bet that engineering degree is really paying off. By the way, if you are really good in math please do the following: Take your salary, multiply by 3.5 and that is what someone with a MBA makes.

Sucks to be you. Have a great day. Asshole, ken still flies that chopper and know one cares what you think about it.

He is entitled to it. What's the big deal. There is a reason why we don't have a "scientist" as a CEO. What would he say about our crappy pipeline? Also who does the CEO address? Are they scientists? No, they are financial people. The run the funds that own the company. They care about numbers. A good deal about being a CEO is playing a social game. Have you seen out R&D department? Could you imagine them giving out quarterly number? They would not know where to start.

Our department, no. Other companies, yes. I think a car service could do the trick rather than expensive helicopter trips. And no, the best have left R&D for greener pastures. All you have left is ass-wipe, butt kissers.

Kenny get a helicopter ride to work every day but employees in IT can't even have a monitor to connect to our docking station or a real telephone... Really great for morale... Can I have my package now, regardless of how much the package is going to suck...

Oh no, IT is missing a monitor and a real phone... We need to report that to the Ethics Office (sarcasm)