Ken "Big Bear" Chamberlin


Is Ken still employed by Alcon and if so, how the heck is he doing? He is a great guy with a big heart. He knows how to sell and Alcon better watch their backs because I would love to steal him away to use him against Alcon and steal their business. Great job, Kenneth!

Ken was my regional trainer when I first started and he lead me into President's Club and made me alot of $$$$ with his techniques in sales training. Thank you for doing this!!!! I owe you big time!

these posts have to be from Ken's family or something. Yes, he is a great guy but why post it on this website. Why not post it along with his masturbation video from the NSM on pornhub or something?? He is hung like Ron jeremy.

Funny that the posts come like 2 minutes after one another...

As a Sales Rep. though the promotion is good though.

Reminds me of the Simpsons...everyone is making fun of Millhouse and Millhouse responds "But my mom thinks I am cool!"