Keep the job shares get rid of FT reps !

Merck's doing it so is Pfizer . Why pay for FT positions for people working less the PT job shares ?
Novartis save yourselves a bunch of money & do the smart thing

You are confusing job-share with PT, honey!
The smart thing would be to know the difference between PT and a job share. So are you suggesting that we go to PT job-shares. bwaahahahahahha

AZ, Merck, Pfizer are all utilizing "rent a reps" and paying them half of what they paid traditional reps. Less training, low budgets, mostly sample droppers. Then there is one traditional rep who goes in behind them to answer and detail the physicians and nurses on products (all of them) - he is paid more and has a better budget. The cost savings is huge, and for AZ it has been working - went from a POD of 6-7 reps to 2-3 rent a reps and 1 traditional, larger territories too.