KC's lineback Jovan Belcher who shot his GF to death was loaded at the time he did it. In fact, the cops allegedly found him in his car sleeping with the engine idling a few hours before he committed the act. They let him go. No surprise to me. Cops often give breaks to star athletes for offenses that you would get cuffed and taken downtown for. So his BAC at the autopsy was 0.17, twice the legal limit. So you can imagine what it was when the cops found him in his idling car or when he murdered his GF.
I know the NFL has an anti-drug policy. I wonder if they have anti-alcohol policy during the season? If not, perhaps they should. For as much as those spoiled brats get paid they should be forced to carry bibles with them at all times and recite biblical quotes when their coaches ask for them. You know, like: "Okay, knock out John 2:1-11."
For $5M a year I'd memorize the entire Good Book. Forwards and backwards.
I know the NFL has an anti-drug policy. I wonder if they have anti-alcohol policy during the season? If not, perhaps they should. For as much as those spoiled brats get paid they should be forced to carry bibles with them at all times and recite biblical quotes when their coaches ask for them. You know, like: "Okay, knock out John 2:1-11."
For $5M a year I'd memorize the entire Good Book. Forwards and backwards.