

All of this short-shitstorm could have been avoided if it wasn't for pure greed. Mallinckrodt had the opportunity when they purchased Acthar to reset some of the pricing abuses. They knew that there was no clinical data and the drug was grossly over-priced.

They could have done a slight reset of the price by coming down to earth just a little. By doing this, they could have side-stepped the references to Valeant. How would this sound, "We are not like Valeant, when we purchased Acthar we realized the importance of getting this drug to the patients that need it, we adjusted the price downward". This would have saved the shareholders millions of lost earnings. But this wasn't the case

They chose to increase the price instead. This has but them not only in the same category as Valeant, but possibly worse. Jacking the price from $28Gs a vial to around $40Gs. Sad!

As for the CEO, to call in to confront Andrew Left, well any clown that can read a script could have called in. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Welcome to the short-game. All because of GREED.

All of this short-shitstorm could have been avoided if it wasn't for pure greed. Mallinckrodt had the opportunity when they purchased Acthar to reset some of the pricing abuses. They knew that there was no clinical data and the drug was grossly over-priced.

They could have done a slight reset of the price by coming down to earth just a little. By doing this, they could have side-stepped the references to Valeant. How would this sound, "We are not like Valeant, when we purchased Acthar we realized the importance of getting this drug to the patients that need it, we adjusted the price downward". This would have saved the shareholders millions of lost earnings. But this wasn't the case

They chose to increase the price instead. This has but them not only in the same category as Valeant, but possibly worse. Jacking the price from $28Gs a vial to around $40Gs. Sad!

As for the CEO, to call in to confront Andrew Left, well any clown that can read a script could have called in. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Welcome to the short-game. All because of GREED.
I repect your comments above and you raise a very valid point. I dont think the drug should have ever neen priced where it was originally. (I would not want to inject myself with an animal product that ia priced at $35/vial. But it shouldnt cost the price it does now. But if price is lowered, then sales reps wont be making $300-400k per year. So if you're ok with that, then good. But lowering price means less profit margin and less bonus. Cant have it both ways.

I repect your comments above and you raise a very valid point. I dont think the drug should have ever neen priced where it was originally. (I would not want to inject myself with an animal product that ia priced at $35/vial. But it shouldnt cost the price it does now. But if price is lowered, then sales reps wont be making $300-400k per year. So if you're ok with that, then good. But lowering price means less profit margin and less bonus. Cant have it both ways.

Agreed. The reps are way overpaid. The path has already been chosen and the damage has already been done. The product is a great alternative for patients that need another option. Hindsight is twenty-twenty. The next 6-12 months will be critical to the company's viability. Good luck.

Agreed. The reps are way overpaid. The path has already been chosen and the damage has already been done. The product is a great alternative for patients that need another option. Hindsight is twenty-twenty. The next 6-12 months will be critical to the company's viability. Good luck.

How does anyone know whether the is a "great alternative" or not without real clinical trials that actually have valid clinical data? Small marketing patient studies have zero clinical relevance, and neither does hearing a patient success story, which is the reason clinical trials are done in the first place.

How does anyone know whether the is a "great alternative" or not without real clinical trials that actually have valid clinical data? Small marketing patient studies have zero clinical relevance, and neither does hearing a patient success story, which is the reason clinical trials are done in the first place.

Talk to the FDA. Infantile Spasms indication granted in 2010. They must have reviewed something. Now, for the other indications, you may have a point.

now it make sense why you get a 25% match in the company stock plan.
this way you only lose 10% of your own money. hope no one is still doing that plan as it has been a suckers bet.

I repect your comments above and you raise a very valid point. I dont think the drug should have ever neen priced where it was originally. (I would not want to inject myself with an animal product that ia priced at $35/vial. But it shouldnt cost the price it does now. But if price is lowered, then sales reps wont be making $300-400k per year. So if you're ok with that, then good. But lowering price means less profit margin and less bonus. Cant have it both ways.

This has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Lowering the price means less profit margin and less bonus?? Really?? How about the company not wanting to deal with shareholder law suits because their profits are down because of a major price decrease? MNK paid $5.6b for Questcor and they have a financial responsibility to maximize shareholder value, not employee bonuses.