
why is everyone so mum on these alleged dismissals. can anyone confirm that ps and jw were handed the so called pink slip?

fleet guy - out. SO OVERDUE. he comes from $, no worries there - just the ultimate humility others have gone through. Oh wait. PS has no feelings, what was I thinking?
jw - dunno. BUT SO OVERDUE.

fleet guy - out. SO OVERDUE. he comes from $, no worries there - just the ultimate humility others have gone through. Oh wait. PS has no feelings, what was I thinking?
jw - dunno. BUT SO OVERDUE.

I think it's true. Spelled 'shunn' into voicemail and got female 'fleet dept' voice. spelled 'abbos' and 'wilk\e\r\s' and got no hits. I think Abbosh was OK, but pretty good...ok, karma, on the other two dicks. Well petes and dicks.

Tiny is next...TB for those you don't know who tiny is.

They should retain all who are good hard workers (not the above) so they can retain those of us whom ARE, but are locked into this hell,, due to circumstances (family, right out of college living @ home just getting started, etc.) along with bringing back the good people they let go.

Note to all: Be scared, be very scared. Like in a bakery when you take a ticket, you are next. If I had somewhere to go, I'd run, and fast. Working on it, but it takes time.

I wonder what happened to all those whom have gone before, what's the use of naming names, most of you would only slam dunk them as being unworthy. Unworthy of working for this company that is deemed so vile in the phamra industry? I witnessed over the past 2 years many valuable people they let go. "They" just didn't fit into this creep joint for one reason or another, according to the HR dept (haggard rats dept, I like to call them).

I am being used, but as soon as they find one of their Barr folks, or an outsider who they're friends with, I'm out of here, no doubt about it.

All of you mid-management remember this - you can run but you can't hide. I feel like I am poisoned a little each day I leave for the day. What a horrible feeling. Chances of surviving company longevity is about as crazy as thinking you'll win the lotto. Even if you play, you ain't gonna win.

I can get way vulgar than this - but someone would have the thread taken down because people are in denial just how loathsome they are. Look in the mirroe. You're a bunch oh he / she devils.

Karma is a bitch. Just ask LB at Advantage in Greenville. You can sleep with whomever you want, but youre still a c*nt and a ho. Always will be. Hopefully, you'll be fired soon too.

Karma is definitely a bitch. So is LB at Advantage in Greenville. Sleeps with whomever she wants and thinks she can get away with it. Hopefully, she'll be fired soon too. Never too soon.

Re: Karma / PS & DS

it couldn't have happened on a better day - April 1st. But no joke: PS is GONE. Comes like a thief in the night, hey now - doesn't it...

I still like this one best ! visions of s/h/u/n/n/i/n/g still getting up @ 4am t get to work by 6am and wkg until 7pm. and making certain Y'ALL KNOW IT ! Good luck you CURMUDGEON. I bet I know one person who is kicking her heels in delight. YUP. And she is living it up........living her dream. See, she found herself a real nice man with $$$ who didn't treat her like a slave. Fact is, he adores her. Wish she would have won the "suit" - you treated her like dogsh*t. Go see her on Broadway. Living her dream. Kinda like you and the Mrs., that's where your "income has always come from"....
Rot. Along with the hyper little wind up doll, DS. His, I mean her - day will come.

Definition of CURMUDGEON
archaic : miser
: a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man
— cur·mud·geon·li·ness \-lē-nəs\ noun
— cur·mud·geon·ly \-lē\ adjective
See curmudgeon defined for English-language learners »
Examples of CURMUDGEON

1. <only a curmudgeon would object to the nursing home's holiday decorations>
2. At his quirky best, the elder Cooper is a curmudgeon right out of central casting, grumpy old man meets borscht-belt crank. He really does fiddle with his hearing aid and yell, “What? I can't hear you,” only to chide you afterward that there's no need to shout. —Norah Vincent, New York Times Book Review, 19 Feb. 2006

Re: Karma / PS & DS

I still like this one best ! visions of s/h/u/n/n/i/n/g still getting up @ 4am t get to work by 6am and wkg until 7pm. and making certain Y'ALL KNOW IT ! Good luck you CURMUDGEON. I bet I know one person who is kicking her heels in delight. YUP. And she is living it up........living her dream. See, she found herself a real nice man with $$$ who didn't treat her like a slave. Fact is, he adores her. Wish she would have won the "suit" - you treated her like dogsh*t. Go see her on Broadway. Living her dream. Kinda like you and the Mrs., that's where your "income has always come from"....
Rot. Along with the hyper little wind up doll, DS. His, I mean her - day will come.

Definition of CURMUDGEON
archaic : miser
: a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man
— cur·mud·geon·li·ness \-lē-nəs\ noun
— cur·mud·geon·ly \-lē\ adjective
See curmudgeon defined for English-language learners »
Examples of CURMUDGEON

1. <only a curmudgeon would object to the nursing home's holiday decorations>
2. At his quirky best, the elder Cooper is a curmudgeon right out of central casting, grumpy old man meets borscht-belt crank. He really does fiddle with his hearing aid and yell, “What? I can't hear you,” only to chide you afterward that there's no need to shout. —Norah Vincent, New York Times Book Review, 19 Feb. 2006

Jeez, old fleet wench is on here posting again.