Year ends are now due October 19th. Its begining to look a lot like re-org!
May not be all the way to Sept 2012 but will probably hold the reps for the next 6 mos.
They are sending out cases of samples now.
Been around awhile too...long enough to know that "the post Diovan world" is closer then you think. They will not wait to cut once Diovan is actually generic...they will do it well before and Diovan will still hold it's own. Not to mention it has been taken off United Med D already, how much longer until the rest of the managed care companies follow? They need to cut, especially without Arcapta, and they will I just wish they would just do it and be done with it. This year after year is killing morale
Remember, the biggest cost savings to any corporation is the Tax Shelter opportunities which can only be taken once per year. I believe we will know a lot on our National Conference Call on October 28th because everyone is on this one.
The meeting you on the 28th is something they have every year. Its a town hall meeting which ususlly only the campus associates attend and then you can see on a rebroadcast
YOu may learn something there but I highly doubt it will be the "big announcement" that everyone thinks it will be. Reps are being included because of the Global Survey
Last year at this time info was coming out in detail about the layoffs. So far nothing.
I know 3 reps that were just hired. I agree with the above poster that I do see layoffs in the future. Just don't think they will be before the end of the year. Decisions would already be made.
I disagree. NPC has never had something like what's coming on 10/28.