just like last year...................

All is quiet around here that must be good news! Lol, this is exactly what happened last time. The reorganization, restructuring, realigning fairy is working her magic right now. We know it, why don't they do what all the other companies do - just tell us what we already know! Those of us who want to stay will still kick ass, those who want to leave aren't really working anyway.

Last year by this time there was already specific details of the restructuring surfacing on CP
This year people think we will have similar restructuring but nothing of substance has appeared from the EH mole
I am not one to be overly optimistic and nor do i live with my head in the sand. I do think the restructuring will occur sometime next year. Novartis wants all it can get out of Diovan and the only way to do this would be still promoting by the numbers we have.
Once Diovan is gone, there will be no need for all the reps/
I know some districts that have just hired new reps for open postions. There is no hiring freeze per se just a head count manangement which has been going on for the last year or so

Just my thoughts from someone who's been around awhile.

Been around awhile too...long enough to know that "the post Diovan world" is closer then you think. They will not wait to cut once Diovan is actually generic...they will do it well before and Diovan will still hold it's own. Not to mention it has been taken off United Med D already, how much longer until the rest of the managed care companies follow? They need to cut, especially without Arcapta, and they will I just wish they would just do it and be done with it. This year after year is killing morale

May not be all the way to Sept 2012 but will probably hold the reps for the next 6 mos.
They are sending out cases of samples now.

Look at the expiration dates on those samples. Better to clear out what is in the warehouse than to have to dump it with all of the EPA regulations out there. Thery break enough laws they have to be law abiding somewhere. Always hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Been around awhile too...long enough to know that "the post Diovan world" is closer then you think. They will not wait to cut once Diovan is actually generic...they will do it well before and Diovan will still hold it's own. Not to mention it has been taken off United Med D already, how much longer until the rest of the managed care companies follow? They need to cut, especially without Arcapta, and they will I just wish they would just do it and be done with it. This year after year is killing morale

I doubt that our CEO would announce "reductions in sales and marketing" if it were not going to happen this year. There were a lot of complaints last year that there was not much notice. Sample deliveries occurred normally last year too, then transferred to those who stayed. Looking at the big picture, the overall cost for samples is very little.

Remember, the biggest cost savings to any corporation is the Tax Shelter opportunities which can only be taken once per year. I believe we will know a lot on our National Conference Call on October 28th because everyone is on this one.

It will happen this year. We are already 1/2 way through October so even if it is the sometime as last year that is really a little over a month away. Novartis is getting hammered because of it's "secret layoffs" in the press. My guess is they would want to change their image but I don't think they really care. It would not surprise me if we know something at that national call either. I think that is how other companies announce. Then again Novartis is backwards. Lastly just about every company is going through reductions and has been within the last couple months. Pfizer was a couple weeks ago, Merck is again this week, Sanofi-Aventis same time frame as Novartis. Plus At Novartis there are territories across the country with 2 reps per pod other territories with 4 or 5, some within the same region. Everyone is paid a different % on different products it's a mess I don't know how they can fairly rank anyone. They have to fix it (or maybe they won't it is Novartis). So maybe there will be aras harder hit some not hit as bad who knows but there is to much "chatter" from our own CEO and the press and within Novartis if nothing was happening.

Remember, the biggest cost savings to any corporation is the Tax Shelter opportunities which can only be taken once per year. I believe we will know a lot on our National Conference Call on October 28th because everyone is on this one.

The meeting you on the 28th is something they have every year. Its a town hall meeting which ususlly only the campus associates attend and then you can see on a rebroadcast
YOu may learn something there but I highly doubt it will be the "big announcement" that everyone thinks it will be. Reps are being included because of the Global Survey
Last year at this time info was coming out in detail about the layoffs. So far nothing.
I know 3 reps that were just hired. I agree with the above poster that I do see layoffs in the future. Just don't think they will be before the end of the year. Decisions would already be made.

Why don't you take your fate into your own hands, you bunch of whiners? Do you think Steve Jobs would have waited around for some lame ass severance package from some lowlife pharmaceutical company? (Alright, he wouldn't have been here to begin with, but you get the picture). You all deserve what you get. You've known this is a sinking ship for at least a couple of years or longer. Make your own future. You'd better, because no one wants to hire a glorified sampler/caterer, no matter how many years of "experience" you have.

The meeting you on the 28th is something they have every year. Its a town hall meeting which ususlly only the campus associates attend and then you can see on a rebroadcast
YOu may learn something there but I highly doubt it will be the "big announcement" that everyone thinks it will be. Reps are being included because of the Global Survey
Last year at this time info was coming out in detail about the layoffs. So far nothing.
I know 3 reps that were just hired. I agree with the above poster that I do see layoffs in the future. Just don't think they will be before the end of the year. Decisions would already be made.

I disagree. NPC has never had something like what's coming on 10/28.

Hey everyone, get your heads out of the sand. Between industry and government regulation, patent expirations, lack of blockbuster type pipelines, this is an outdated shrinking occupation. On top of all that, who among you can honestly say that when someone asks what you do for a living that you aren't (1)hesitant to say or (2)defensively posturing for the impending conversation? Embarrassing isn't it? For those of you who are young enough or new enough to the job, GET OUT NOW! You have not been here long enough to be burdened with the dishonorable badge of Big Pharma rep by other industries. So what's the date? Who knows and who cares. You future is in your hands not theirs. If you DECIDE to stay, make the best of it. If you DECIDE to get out, good for you. For those however who DECIDE to stay and play orchestra to the sinking Titanic, well, you know the ending to that story. Point is no one is forcing you to do anything. Make an informed decision and make it with conviction!

If you look on the email about the Town Hall Meeting on the 28th is specifically states
that it completely Optional if convenient with your schedule
I think you all are making something out of nothing....go to work

Not like we should not expect it. CEO (Vasella's fellator) sez we don't need 1/2 the staff or manufacturing. Sez he wants to cut costs over $2 billion in US/Europe. Think any of those will be Swiss? No.

Look at what happened in onc. General medicines next then vaccines and everybody else.

Management are scum sucking pigs.

OWS movement are stinking rich hippie brats without a clue.

You figure out the rest. I'm getting drunk.

These Swiss bastards will keep us around as long as they need us to squeeze the last penny of profit out of Diovan and Reclast, and they will cut as many as they can, as fast as they can. Anyone can look at sales trends across the nation for all of our CV brands and quickly determine that the end is near for Novartis as we know it. Tekturna will never be a Diovan. You can paint that pig whatever color you want, but it is still a f&$king pig. No indications beyond hypertension, no efficacy beyond ACEs, and a pain in the ass to prescribe. "But Doctor, it has a unique mechanism of action". News flash: this aint Sammy Science House. Doctors want a good reason to prescribe a branded agent over a perfectly good, affordable generic. MOA makes for great conversation over a free lunch, but it doesnt f&$king matter in the real world. Pack your chute and get ready to bail out. This clusterf$&ck is almost over. Hallefu$&kinglullah! Time to get a new gig and regain our self respect and dignity. F&@k Novartis and the Swiss, and the St Bernards they rode in on.