Historically, managers here have sucked, with some exceptions. They hire friends, whatever -people they think they can relate to for lame ass reasons and guess what ... the hire then sucks-everyone hates them and its an ongoing joke. Most are so immature or stuck in high school mentality, any mature professional person wanted to hurl. Cheerleaders, really? Please, do not hire any more cheerleaders. Some of the worst hires, some now, so-called managers remain on and backstabbing was the game until they got rid of everyone who was on to their b.s. list, namely, anyone they felt threatened by. That didn't take much. Bribery, trumped up lies and worse was sent out into cirucluation, by these swamp bottom dwellers and some remain today. There has been a serious need for a routing out of management for some time. They need to dump the pharma rep and frat boy chumps, hire adults with business acumen who won't tolerate the backstabbing, bribery and ass kisser rats. The worst hire is the new one, who comes in immediately reporting "on" what they see as lack of loyalty or anything else they can lie about. This was encouraged, exploited and ruined the job for some of the best CL's they had. The smart ones left.