Just a shame!


The North Carolina position was posted again--about 3 weeks after the manager had made a selection!--What happened?---I was told she had a tough choice with many qualified canidates--ok why didn't she just go to her second or third choice.---The recruiter stated I don't know whether she will call previous canidates for a re-interview--WHAT!---That confirms its an inside job---just a shame--SMH

Maybe the original hire didn't pass BI or something. Either way, the manager has the right to tell the recruiters to find a new pool of candidates to interview. It's a buyers market out there....lot's of downsized great reps looking for positions. Maybe the manager wanted to compare new candidates to ones already interviewed. Who knows, but either way that is what is going out in the job market out there.....too many people out of work!

Historically, managers here have sucked, with some exceptions. They hire friends, whatever -people they think they can relate to for lame ass reasons and guess what ... the hire then sucks-everyone hates them and its an ongoing joke. Most are so immature or stuck in high school mentality, any mature professional person wanted to hurl. Cheerleaders, really? Please, do not hire any more cheerleaders. Some of the worst hires, some now, so-called managers remain on and backstabbing was the game until they got rid of everyone who was on to their b.s. list, namely, anyone they felt threatened by. That didn't take much. Bribery, trumped up lies and worse was sent out into cirucluation, by these swamp bottom dwellers and some remain today. There has been a serious need for a routing out of management for some time. They need to dump the pharma rep and frat boy chumps, hire adults with business acumen who won't tolerate the backstabbing, bribery and ass kisser rats. The worst hire is the new one, who comes in immediately reporting "on" what they see as lack of loyalty or anything else they can lie about. This was encouraged, exploited and ruined the job for some of the best CL's they had. The smart ones left.

Well, that last comment was pathetic. Anyone posting here, in my opinion, at least has the guts to tell what they think their truth is. Yea some of it is ass worthy, but come on, we know the rules here and you can't track any one, so get over your power trippin. You are merely a coorporate pawn, interviewing people who just want to know where you are at and if they have a remote chance of being called in. You are not the Queen of the world, get that, small minded one? Just the mere fact that you would make such a stupid remark tells us that no mature person would want to work for you anyway. Chances are, your choice for hire, wasn't interested in you. Get over yourself, please, before I hurl.

The North Carolina position was posted again--about 3 weeks after the manager had made a selection!--What happened?---I was told she had a tough choice with many qualified canidates--ok why didn't she just go to her second or third choice.---The recruiter stated I don't know whether she will call previous canidates for a re-interview--WHAT!---That confirms its an inside job---just a shame--SMH

Slone Partners is recruiting for North Carolina. It's not for Reckitt Benckiser, but they are looking for someone with that type of background. If you are interested, email kimd@slonepartners.com.

Historically, managers here have sucked, with some exceptions. They hire friends, whatever -people they think they can relate to for lame ass reasons and guess what ... the hire then sucks-everyone hates them and its an ongoing joke. Most are so immature or stuck in high school mentality, any mature professional person wanted to hurl. Cheerleaders, really? Please, do not hire any more cheerleaders. Some of the worst hires, some now, so-called managers remain on and backstabbing was the game until they got rid of everyone who was on to their b.s. list, namely, anyone they felt threatened by. That didn't take much. Bribery, trumped up lies and worse was sent out into cirucluation, by these swamp bottom dwellers and some remain today. There has been a serious need for a routing out of management for some time. They need to dump the pharma rep and frat boy chumps, hire adults with business acumen who won't tolerate the backstabbing, bribery and ass kisser rats. The worst hire is the new one, who comes in immediately reporting "on" what they see as lack of loyalty or anything else they can lie about. This was encouraged, exploited and ruined the job for some of the best CL's they had. The smart ones left.

We agree with the above statement.

-Every whiner on EVERY pharma company board on cafepharma

Unfortunately, we have a few ABM's who manage like mean high school girls. It will come back around for them, and for some it already has. Sad that they never grew up, have no class, and poor ethical standards.