Just a question about industry, Forest


I am a physician who has a friendly question for Forest reps, etc.

I love Forest and really appreciate you all and love the products you provide. But I have noticed recently an increase in visits to my office. Well, I have not really noticed but my staff have brought it to my and my partners' attention that we have a few companies who are showing up weekly or more than weekly for signatures from us. I really would not have noticed this. I see reps regularly in the hallway and I sign their pads, computers, whatever they have. I guess that they are leaving me samples and getting a certain number of signatures to show that they are in my office. I am not sure if you are responsible for my signature and get credit for that or if you get credit for my Rx-ing your drug or what. I get the fact that when I buy a pice of equipment or medical supplies that there is a commission to be had. Anyway, I am getting off topic here.

My staff has noticed that there are companies that are coming in more frequently with more people to stand in the hall and wait to get signatures from me and my partners. I never would have noticed that Forest was coming in more than a could times per month. Since they have brought this up I have been more aware. I have observed that sometimes I will sign for a Forest rep and that then they will go and stand in another part of my office and get a second, third and forth signature. I understand that you want to get us al writing your products but I do not understand while the signature is received from multiple docs in one office. We share the sample supplies. Can't I just sign once for what we need? I am sure I am not understanding what you need from us. I am guessing you are collecting our autographs to get some sort of credit. I am not at all adverse to seeing you all several times per month. I am curious as I watch you get several sigs from your single visit to my office. It does not bother me but it does bother some my office staff and one of my partners (she is a bit of an industry 'hater' for a reason I cannot understand).

I was told about this site from a college friend and have been fascinated by what I have found here. You all have a very difficult job. I respect you all as very capable representatives. I have met a lot of bright, educated individuals in your industry. Some of you I think are very knowledgeable about the products you carry. I have had many questions answered and received a lot of great information.

So my curiosity and question on behalf of my staff. Can we request less frequent visits and possibly only one signature per visit ? Is that going to harm you in any way. I do not want to harm someone in their job by limiting access. I understand that you have a job to do.

Is there a solution which would work for my office and my Forest reps ?

Do you get credit for signatures ? We try to use your products and always have more than enough samples. Any feedback would be appreciated. I wish you well. Thanks for listening. I will talk to my Forest rep. Just wanted to get any feedback you have.

Dr J F -

Hmmm, very odd that a physician would take the time to post on here or care or even consider what's going on in our world. Most posts like this are plants from info seekers or competitors. Well, you may or may not be a physician but regardless here's some clarity:

-yes, we need signatures to prove we are working. We know there are too many of us but we have no choice. The company values charts and spreadsheets over anything else.

-we go where we are told we have no say. Our goal is to get to talk to you and have the opportunity to share why and where our meds are the right choice so that you will prescribe them. That's what a professional rep with integrity does. There are thousands of us and everyone is different.

-The best thing you and as many colleagues you can inspire to do is to voice your opinions to the company. Reps are powerless. Unfortunately physicians are represented by a political organization, the AMA, to the pharma industry. It's all about money and politics. Physicians, REAL doctors need to get their voices heard in Washington.

I highly doubt the op is a doctor but I'll play along because it's fun. The first thing you should do is ban managers from your office for reasons known by all. The second tell your reps 1 signature during every call. Reps who gather signatures regardless of our directives are industry pukes. And most importantly don't ban us all but throw some reps out the door if they are too pushy or just don't like them. The reps that actually help you and your practice will be fine because they will be safe but the pushy ass wipes will have one less office to bother which will be better for all involved.

An honest answer to this question: My company only counts a signature as a call. I am required to see each physician in your office a certain number of times per quarter. That leaves me with 2 choices. Choice A: If you have 4 partners and I have to see you each 6 times that means I have to come in to your office 30 total times in 3 months. ie 5x6. or Choice B: I come into your office 6 times in 3 months but get all 5 of your signatures. While it may seem annoying when you are all sharing samples to each have to sign individually, I would assume it is significantly less irritating than having to see a rep every other day to get a different signature from a different doctor in your practice. Unfortunately, that is what our companies require us to do in order to keep our jobs. We don't want to do it any more than your staff want us to!

I am a physician who has a friendly question for Forest reps, etc.

I love Forest and really appreciate you all and love the products you provide. But I have noticed recently an increase in visits to my office. Well, I have not really noticed but my staff have brought it to my and my partners' attention that we have a few companies who are showing up weekly or more than weekly for signatures from us. I really would not have noticed this. I see reps regularly in the hallway and I sign their pads, computers, whatever they have. I guess that they are leaving me samples and getting a certain number of signatures to show that they are in my office. I am not sure if you are responsible for my signature and get credit for that or if you get credit for my Rx-ing your drug or what. I get the fact that when I buy a pice of equipment or medical supplies that there is a commission to be had. Anyway, I am getting off topic here.

My staff has noticed that there are companies that are coming in more frequently with more people to stand in the hall and wait to get signatures from me and my partners. I never would have noticed that Forest was coming in more than a could times per month. Since they have brought this up I have been more aware. I have observed that sometimes I will sign for a Forest rep and that then they will go and stand in another part of my office and get a second, third and forth signature. I understand that you want to get us al writing your products but I do not understand while the signature is received from multiple docs in one office. We share the sample supplies. Can't I just sign once for what we need? I am sure I am not understanding what you need from us. I am guessing you are collecting our autographs to get some sort of credit. I am not at all adverse to seeing you all several times per month. I am curious as I watch you get several sigs from your single visit to my office. It does not bother me but it does bother some my office staff and one of my partners (she is a bit of an industry 'hater' for a reason I cannot understand).

I was told about this site from a college friend and have been fascinated by what I have found here. You all have a very difficult job. I respect you all as very capable representatives. I have met a lot of bright, educated individuals in your industry. Some of you I think are very knowledgeable about the products you carry. I have had many questions answered and received a lot of great information.

So my curiosity and question on behalf of my staff. Can we request less frequent visits and possibly only one signature per visit ? Is that going to harm you in any way. I do not want to harm someone in their job by limiting access. I understand that you have a job to do.

Is there a solution which would work for my office and my Forest reps ?

Do you get credit for signatures ? We try to use your products and always have more than enough samples. Any feedback would be appreciated. I wish you well. Thanks for listening. I will talk to my Forest rep. Just wanted to get any feedback you have.

Dr J F -

Dr- Forest has a marketing practices hotline. Reps agree. Please call and voice your concerns.