just a few reasons to run


First of all, if you are reading this and you are a HTN only rep still employed at DSI then you have already stayed far too late. Your fate is sealed and I hope you are looking for an actual sales job like the rest of us on this sinking ship.

yes "actual sales" jobs instead of begging dr's for Losartan failures. The best part is that no one really fails on that wondrous generic ARB that Benicar did beat by couple drops of piss in a head-to-head study. Wow I never thought I’d be wishing I sold Welchol.

Some of you will and are making money although no one really understands the bonus structure. And if you look closely at the people that are making money a majority of them are complete idiots and have lucked into the lead of which territory bleeds the least. NOT who sells the most but who loses the least!! are you serious?! the talented reps who are getting screwed by this know it and have left or are already on their way out.

** DM's bolting and now JM leaves**
pay attention to this one kiddies....you don't leave these cushy DM jobs. They are hard to get and don't require much of a brain. Go on some field rides, spit out some bs, try to convince your reps not to leave, and cash a nice check. But if it so great then why are DM's bolting for device jobs or other DM spots within pharma? hmmm
And now "Joe I will eat your pee-pee for breakfast Morgan" leaves!? hmmm when the people at the top of your food chain are running for greener pastures then I suggest you follow and follow fast.

good begging kids, oppps I mean selling.


First of all, if you are reading this and you are a HTN only rep still employed at DSI then you have already stayed far too late. Your fate is sealed and I hope you are looking for an actual sales job like the rest of us on this sinking ship.

yes "actual sales" jobs instead of begging dr's for Losartan failures. The best part is that no one really fails on that wondrous generic ARB that Benicar did beat by couple drops of piss in a head-to-head study. Wow I never thought I’d be wishing I sold Welchol.

Some of you will and are making money although no one really understands the bonus structure. And if you look closely at the people that are making money a majority of them are complete idiots and have lucked into the lead of which territory bleeds the least. NOT who sells the most but who loses the least!! are you serious?! the talented reps who are getting screwed by this know it and have left or are already on their way out.

** DM's bolting and now JM leaves**
pay attention to this one kiddies....you don't leave these cushy DM jobs. They are hard to get and don't require much of a brain. Go on some field rides, spit out some bs, try to convince your reps not to leave, and cash a nice check. But if it so great then why are DM's bolting for device jobs or other DM spots within pharma? hmmm
And now "Joe I will eat your pee-pee for breakfast Morgan" leaves!? hmmm when the people at the top of your food chain are running for greener pastures then I suggest you follow and follow fast.

good begging kids, oppps I mean selling.

Fantastic real world situation here. But remember....Nobody wants to hear about reality. They all just want to justify their jobs. My question is: When will the shi* hit the fan, and when will the downsize occur? It's been way too long without a major restructuring here. It doesn't make business sense at all to keep all these reps selling Benicar in a declining market, and with nothing in the pipeline for another 2 years. And that is if all goes well with the FDA. Timeframe?

First of all, if you are reading this and you are a HTN only rep still employed at DSI then you have already stayed far too late. Your fate is sealed and I hope you are looking for an actual sales job like the rest of us on this sinking ship.

yes "actual sales" jobs instead of begging dr's for Losartan failures. The best part is that no one really fails on that wondrous generic ARB that Benicar did beat by couple drops of piss in a head-to-head study. Wow I never thought I’d be wishing I sold Welchol.

Some of you will and are making money although no one really understands the bonus structure. And if you look closely at the people that are making money a majority of them are complete idiots and have lucked into the lead of which territory bleeds the least. NOT who sells the most but who loses the least!! are you serious?! the talented reps who are getting screwed by this know it and have left or are already on their way out.

** DM's bolting and now JM leaves**
pay attention to this one kiddies....you don't leave these cushy DM jobs. They are hard to get and don't require much of a brain. Go on some field rides, spit out some bs, try to convince your reps not to leave, and cash a nice check. But if it so great then why are DM's bolting for device jobs or other DM spots within pharma? hmmm
And now "Joe I will eat your pee-pee for breakfast Morgan" leaves!? hmmm when the people at the top of your food chain are running for greener pastures then I suggest you follow and follow fast.

good begging kids, oppps I mean selling.

Ok this is funny sh*t but sadly all too true.

But my DM is telling telling the new hires out of college and/or enterprise rental that dsi is the best place to work for with an exciting pipeline and a bright future.
Then he'll tell the old reps on the team that he's "pretty sure" we are all safe for at least another year.
Oh You silly rabbit--Tricks are for kids.

I am so happy to be out of parma and not working for this BS company. Life in medical device is great. I am enjoying the monthly commision checks, no BS field rides, competitive environmemt that motivates and no BS. Run for the hills. I make more money than your district manager and his regional. :)

First of all, if you are reading this and you are a HTN only rep still employed at DSI then you have already stayed far too late. Your fate is sealed and I hope you are looking for an actual sales job like the rest of us on this sinking ship.

yes "actual sales" jobs instead of begging dr's for Losartan failures. The best part is that no one really fails on that wondrous generic ARB that Benicar did beat by couple drops of piss in a head-to-head study. Wow I never thought I’d be wishing I sold Welchol.

Some of you will and are making money although no one really understands the bonus structure. And if you look closely at the people that are making money a majority of them are complete idiots and have lucked into the lead of which territory bleeds the least. NOT who sells the most but who loses the least!! are you serious?! the talented reps who are getting screwed by this know it and have left or are already on their way out.

** DM's bolting and now JM leaves**
pay attention to this one kiddies....you don't leave these cushy DM jobs. They are hard to get and don't require much of a brain. Go on some field rides, spit out some bs, try to convince your reps not to leave, and cash a nice check. But if it so great then why are DM's bolting for device jobs or other DM spots within pharma? hmmm
And now "Joe I will eat your pee-pee for breakfast Morgan" leaves!? hmmm when the people at the top of your food chain are running for greener pastures then I suggest you follow and follow fast.

good begging kids, oppps I mean selling.

I agree except for the DM cushy job. I was a DM in the Midwest and there was constant pressure to do things that were at the very least unethical and at most illegal. It was the most miserable I have ever been and those managers who did not go along were forced out. This is a company with no conscience and I am damn glad i am not there.

The ground work is being laid for future cuts. Several people were delivered 90 day warning letters today. And you are right, HTN reps were 2 of the 3 I know of. And 2 territories actually met their quarterly goals.

The ground work is being laid for future cuts. Several people were delivered 90 day warning letters today. And you are right, HTN reps were 2 of the 3 I know of. And 2 territories actually met their quarterly goals.

Not true. I know people who got warning letters and they never got fired. This company just gives you extra bullshit work to do, but they won't fire you. Not sure why. Reps in my district don't work full days and DMs know it because of insight, and the reps are still employed?! makes you wonder what do they have to do to get fired.

The reality is this... The Primary Care sales approach is antiquated and nearly extinct.. As a former DSI rep, I periodically check in to read much of the nonsense and speculation that the frantic few feverishly post time and time again... This issue isn't isolated to DSI only, rather it is a "primary" issue that has plagued this level of sales for many years, irrespective of the company you work for... Primary care is nearly dead and will continue to decline indefinitely until jobs are far and few..

This industry is evolving into smaller, more specialty/hospital based companies.. The leaders that are hiring continue to pursue those that have a history of successfully launching new drugs and navigating the hospital and managed care formulary process... That is reality.. And by the way, Effient has been a success considering the narrow indication and capacity of use. DSI mistakenly positioned this drug as the "saviour" and the leaders had very little understanding of the PCI market then, and quite frankly do now.. Many of us former hospital reps who sold in this arena many years prior to The Effient launch predicted that a significant level of strife and finger pointing would manifest itself as a result of poor leadership and lack of market knowledge.. It was a predictable event.. Unfortunately, many really solid reps from both speciality and hospital alike were forced into uncomfortable selling situations that hurt the reputation of the company and product...

To my colleagues that remain, who are proven and polished professionals jobs will be available I assure you.. And those that have backstabbed and bullshitted their way to where they are now... Well... DSI might be your last stop...

I agree. Things are starting to go south in my region and the heat is coming. We are in a declining market with more and more generic intervention entering the fray. But management, in their clueless ways, will not accept this realuity and continue to blame the sales force for everything. I really wish that layoffs would be announced, and voluntary packages would be offered. It's only going to get worse around here.

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