June 28th. Happy Dependence Day


With the passage of ObamaCare almost a week before the 4th. Of July, we can now all celebrate Dependence Day.... Thanks Obama for completely "transforming" the history of the US and stealing our individual freedom. Let's celebrate our new found Dependence.

With the passage of ObamaCare almost a week before the 4th. Of July, we can now all celebrate Dependence Day.... Thanks Obama for completely "transforming" the history of the US and stealing our individual freedom. Let's celebrate our new found Dependence.[/

You lost, get over it. What exactly don't you like about the plan? Please tell me.

With the passage of ObamaCare almost a week before the 4th. Of July, we can now all celebrate Dependence Day.... Thanks Obama for completely "transforming" the history of the US and stealing our individual freedom. Let's celebrate our new found Dependence.[/

You lost, get over it. What exactly don't you like about the plan? Please tell me.

I love the fundamental transformation that your great leader promised. I love the loss of my individual freedom. I welcome the oppression of our new health care overlord... For those reasons and more is why today and everyday hence forth I celebrate Dependence Day in what will now be known as Ameritopia.

What a fucking penis

You can name-call all you want, but what you can't do is deny facts. The fact is, we have become a dependent society. We celebrate independence, individual freedom and personal wealth only to the extent that liberals can steal it and use it to control us. Wake up idiot and see reality. Understand that our forefathers did not fight and die for Independence only to have it willingly surrendered by a small minority of liberal drones today.

With the passage of ObamaCare almost a week before the 4th. Of July, we can now all celebrate Dependence Day.... Thanks Obama for completely "transforming" the history of the US and stealing our individual freedom. Let's celebrate our new found Dependence.[/

You lost, get over it. What exactly don't you like about the plan? Please tell me.

Not really lost...just postponed. Even the left realizes this whole thing is going to be litigated for the next 10+ years. Legal challenges have already begunThe issue Obama and pro-abortion (no such thing as pro-choice, you are pro-Abortion) Kathleen Sebelius have with the Catholic church is just now starting and is just one of many to come.

It is a toss up if Obama will win in november. The economy is awful. He is back to blaming Bush again, 3 1/2 years since he left office. The unemployment numbers will continue to be awful when they come out on Friday for June. Gas is going back up due to tensions with Iran. The business community doesn't trust him. His donations are much less than Romney.

I am worse off that I was 4 years ago. So are most of my neighbors and family. That is not something Obama should be proud of.

The SC ruling just says it is contitutional to allow the congress to TAX to get this bill to pass constitutional muster. Just because something is constitutional doesn't mean it is a good idea.

IN closing the reasons this bill is awful is 1) the way it was passed and 2) the fact that it does NOTHING to control costs. I am not even against an individual mandate, but this bill is so complicate and convoluted.

Aw shit, we forgot to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Dependence Day. You would think the socialists would be proud, but it's almost like they want us to forget about it. I guess if we are not reminded of our loss of freedom, it makes much easier to steal even more of it.

Aw shit, we forgot to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Dependence Day. You would think the socialists would be proud, but it's almost like they want us to forget about it. I guess if we are not reminded of our loss of freedom, it makes much easier to steal even more of it.

That's correct. We are robbing you blind and all you do is post on cafe pharma. It's just too easy. Let's talk again in twelve months or so.