July panel interviews...


Has anyone who is expecting to be invited to the next round the weeks of July 9th or July 23rd heard anything yet or been contacted by PrincetonOne to schedule travel?

typical screw up by Princeton One, so far everything the recruiter had said during initial phone screen has been wrong, keeps telling me i am in consideration but her timeline for panel interviews in Dallas has changed twice. don't know what to believe now!

There may not be a hire date. July 31 we will release 2nd Qtr sales. Unfortunately it wasn’t as robust as we hoped it would be. We haven’t made any profit on Ingrezza yet. Great drug but sales are still lower than expenses. The word is that senior management is planning on increasing footprint of territories for now instead of expanding. There is also talk of a buyout from AbbVie that hinges a key approval coming soon. We are in the process of applying lipstick to a pig. We need to cut expenses in order to show a profit. I am definitely looking to leave. Culture was good in the beginning but it is starting to become toxic!

This news makes me sad. I had the final panel interview and really loved what I saw and was excited to come aboard. Will they let the final candidates know that they will be increasing the footprint in the territories verses expansion?

There may not be a hire date. July 31 we will release 2nd Qtr sales. Unfortunately it wasn’t as robust as we hoped it would be. We haven’t made any profit on Ingrezza yet. Great drug but sales are still lower than expenses. The word is that senior management is planning on increasing footprint of territories for now instead of expanding. There is also talk of a buyout from AbbVie that hinges a key approval coming soon. We are in the process of applying lipstick to a pig. We need to cut expenses in order to show a profit. I am definitely looking to leave. Culture was good in the beginning but it is starting to become toxic!

There may not be a hire date. July 31 we will release 2nd Qtr sales. Unfortunately it wasn’t as robust as we hoped it would be. We haven’t made any profit on Ingrezza yet. Great drug but sales are still lower than expenses. The word is that senior management is planning on increasing footprint of territories for now instead of expanding. There is also talk of a buyout from AbbVie that hinges a key approval coming soon. We are in the process of applying lipstick to a pig. We need to cut expenses in order to show a profit. I am definitely looking to leave. Culture was good in the beginning but it is starting to become toxic!

Showing a profit isn't always a good thing. Look at biomarin, they haven't booked a profitable GAAP year since inception.Though, Biomarin is well on their way of becoming a leader of OD development and gene therapy. Instead of pushing for profits, bmrn focuses on the future by investing heavily on r&d, infrastructure, global expansion. if a small/mid cap biotech is profitable in their first year of launch, then they must either have a true miracle drug or is managing the company terribly wrong! Ingrezza has only been out in the market for a year, and has posted 1st yr sales comparable to other blockbuster CNS drugs :abilify , zyprexa, seroquel, etc. if you can remember, seroquels numbers in its first years of launch were horrendous!(ended up doing 5b+ annual sales) if I would to rate ingrezzas launch on a scale from 1-10, I would give it a 11/10! Sales numbers are fantastic!

Princeton one sent out rejection e-mails to candidates in the Midwest last Thursday. I was getting weekly updates from them on my status telling me I am still being considered but now they will not answer any form of communication. I am in Kansas and do not know what to think now, maybe everything is on hold, who knows.:confused: