Does anyoneknow how these are to be addressed.The national sales call said they had a plan.No smart comments just looking for insight.
I sell for a regional in NYC.
Approx 1,200 reqs per day
Approx 40K July commission .
We do not have all the insurances, but are the primary in most offices. Quest is secondary.
i agree with you but the poor bastards at LCA don’t understand this kind of cash. They are all too stupid as they pull up their monthly report and just hope the finance department decided to pay them.Are you serious? My reps that make $40K per month bring in only about 100 specialty reqs per day. You would be king of the world in my company!
i agree with you but the poor bastards at LCA don’t understand this kind of cash. They are all too stupid as they pull up their monthly report and just hope the finance department decided to pay them.