July 16 and IS has no sales data!


Every week sales reports get passed on from HQ as to how brands are performing.

Geno knows how he is progressing.
Liz knows
Kristen knows
RSDs know
hell, I guess even the DBMS know

but the rep - when will we know WHAT THE FUCK WE SOLD IN JANUARY? 6 months ago!!! How did I do against my quota in JANUARY!!!!

we can roll out ipads but we can't tell me how I did in January? Do you realize that I am in sales. You give me a quota and I go sell. Every day I make adjustments to attempt to exceed that quota. By a lot. When I don't know how I am doing, it kills culture.

pull your heads out of you asses and get me some sales numbers.


Every week sales reports get passed on from HQ as to how brands are performing.

Geno knows how he is progressing.
Liz knows
Kristen knows
RSDs know
hell, I guess even the DBMS know

but the rep - when will we know WHAT THE FUCK WE SOLD IN JANUARY? 6 months ago!!! How did I do against my quota in JANUARY!!!!

we can roll out ipads but we can't tell me how I did in January? Do you realize that I am in sales. You give me a quota and I go sell. Every day I make adjustments to attempt to exceed that quota. By a lot. When I don't know how I am doing, it kills culture.

pull your heads out of you asses and get me some sales numbers.

IS is in a period of disengagement. If you want excellence look elsewhere like little known Otsuta Hospital where they have a more disciplined culture that gives a sh8t.

Every week sales reports get passed on from HQ as to how brands are performing.

Geno knows how he is progressing.
Liz knows
Kristen knows
RSDs know
hell, I guess even the DBMS know

but the rep - when will we know WHAT THE FUCK WE SOLD IN JANUARY? 6 months ago!!! How did I do against my quota in JANUARY!!!!

we can roll out ipads but we can't tell me how I did in January? Do you realize that I am in sales. You give me a quota and I go sell. Every day I make adjustments to attempt to exceed that quota. By a lot. When I don't know how I am doing, it kills culture.

pull your heads out of you asses and get me some sales numbers.

Ian will update you on your numbers July 30.

Every week sales reports get passed on from HQ as to how brands are performing.

Geno knows how he is progressing.
Liz knows
Kristen knows
RSDs know
hell, I guess even the DBMS know

but the rep - when will we know WHAT THE FUCK WE SOLD IN JANUARY? 6 months ago!!! How did I do against my quota in JANUARY!!!!

we can roll out ipads but we can't tell me how I did in January? Do you realize that I am in sales. You give me a quota and I go sell. Every day I make adjustments to attempt to exceed that quota. By a lot. When I don't know how I am doing, it kills culture.

pull your heads out of you asses and get me some sales numbers.

Your goal should not be very hard to figure out since it is supposed to be exactly what you sold month to month in 2012 + price increase. So the only explanation for IS not to be giving our exact goals p/ month through (Jan.-Dec. 2012) is probably because the lie we were told would be a little obvious to figure out. We already have had some on the brand team look puzzled about how we've been told our goals are the same as 2012 plus the price increase.

No data, no 2nd half speaker budgets, no operations manager. Need I say more? It's now mid-July.

Wharton made business case study in how to run a business into the ground and why Pfizer is lost, soon last.

Every week sales reports get passed on from HQ as to how brands are performing.

Geno knows how he is progressing.
Liz knows
Kristen knows
RSDs know
hell, I guess even the DBMS know

but the rep - when will we know WHAT THE FUCK WE SOLD IN JANUARY? 6 months ago!!! How did I do against my quota in JANUARY!!!!

we can roll out ipads but we can't tell me how I did in January? Do you realize that I am in sales. You give me a quota and I go sell. Every day I make adjustments to attempt to exceed that quota. By a lot. When I don't know how I am doing, it kills culture.

pull your heads out of you asses and get me some sales

While you may be an inarticulate conspiracy theorist, you seem quite adept at playing the role of a helpless victim. (By the way, victims never ever win, they just find other people to blame). If you don't know what you've sold, you don't know your customers.

Every week sales reports get passed on from HQ as to how brands are performing.

Geno knows how he is progressing.
Liz knows
Kristen knows
RSDs know
hell, I guess even the DBMS know

but the rep - when will we know WHAT THE FUCK WE SOLD IN JANUARY? 6 months ago!!! How did I do against my quota in JANUARY!!!!

we can roll out ipads but we can't tell me how I did in January? Do you realize that I am in sales. You give me a quota and I go sell. Every day I make adjustments to attempt to exceed that quota. By a lot. When I don't know how I am doing, it kills culture.

pull your heads out of you asses and get me some sales

While you may be an inarticulate conspiracy theorist, you seem quite adept at playing the role of a helpless victim. (By the way, victims never ever win, they just find other people to blame). If you don't know what you've sold, you don't know your customers.

Tell this to vaccine reps who ask me to guesstimate the weekly adult sales to roll up on some B-S spreadsheet.

Every week sales reports get passed on from HQ as to how brands are performing.

Geno knows how he is progressing.
Liz knows
Kristen knows
RSDs know
hell, I guess even the DBMS know

but the rep - when will we know WHAT THE FUCK WE SOLD IN JANUARY? 6 months ago!!! How did I do against my quota in JANUARY!!!!

we can roll out ipads but we can't tell me how I did in January? Do you realize that I am in sales. You give me a quota and I go sell. Every day I make adjustments to attempt to exceed that quota. By a lot. When I don't know how I am doing, it kills culture.

pull your heads out of you asses and get me some sales

While you may be an inarticulate conspiracy theorist, you seem quite adept at playing the role of a helpless victim. (By the way, victims never ever win, they just find other people to blame). If you don't know what you've sold, you don't know your customers.

WTF are you talking about clown. You make no sense. NO ONE, I mean NO ONE in the pharma business, in hospital sales or PC, could know what their sales are simply by calling on doctors. Anyone who has any sense at all would know this. Your an idiot and a fool for even making such a stupid comment.

While you may be an inarticulate conspiracy theorist, you seem quite adept at playing the role of a helpless victim. (By the way, victims never ever win, they just find other people to blame). If you don't know what you've sold, you don't know your customers.

The victim who got fired for blowing the whistle with the DOJ on Bextra, and all the other products Pfizer was selling off label won, and won big to the tune of approx. 40 million dollars. The DOJ whiners won big too, to the tune of 3.4 billion dollars. What do you think about those helpless victims.

Every week sales reports get passed on from HQ as to how brands are performing.

Geno knows how he is progressing.
Liz knows
Kristen knows
RSDs know
hell, I guess even the DBMS know

but the rep - when will we know WHAT THE FUCK WE SOLD IN JANUARY? 6 months ago!!! How did I do against my quota in JANUARY!!!!

we can roll out ipads but we can't tell me how I did in January? Do you realize that I am in sales. You give me a quota and I go sell. Every day I make adjustments to attempt to exceed that quota. By a lot. When I don't know how I am doing, it kills culture.

pull your heads out of you asses and get me some sales numbers.

Please post ur name so they can be sent to you ASAP.
I am guessing you are the same dip$@17 that continues to post this complaint.