Joke of a company


Can't wait to quit this company... Mgmt is a joke and can't trust SN at all.
For those interviewing with this company.....entertain another lab or differant industry.


Forgot to mention

These strings are hilarious. Probably 20 + former and current plus employees blasting this POS company and Edwin checking these strings twice daily and posting pro plus comments.

seriously Edwin give it a rest it is so obvious there is only one pro plus person in these posts.

What ever happened with Plus building a west coast flow lab. I never see them anywhere.

Also what ever happened to Edwins adopted daughter....L. Miller?

She was actually pretty good and HOT!

Just a little unethical though.

Lots of questions from a former Plus rep...........

Keep working until you find a company that will respect you. A company that will respect your commissions, salary and your work ethic. I heard Plus ( I mean Minus) is mostly made up of old, washed up Dianon folks. Is that true?
It sounds like Edwin or SN have a short temper.....

Keep working until you find a company that will respect you. A company that will respect your commissions, salary and your work ethic. I heard Plus ( I mean Minus) is mostly made up of old, washed up Dianon folks. Is that true?
It sounds like Edwin or SN have a short temper.....

Short temper is not the problem with these two clowns. Below average intelligence and low integrity are much more problematic for frick and frack.

Regarding L Miller from a few post ago. She was way, way to clever to ever be mixed up with this company. She left on her own terms and if anyone tells you the opposite occurred they are full of sh1t. Agree about her hotness, esp when she donned the jean suits!!

To the original poster. Scr@w the a-h0les as much as possible on your way out

When Laura worked at Ventana she used to come into my lab with this rep. Blond gorgeous...her name began it an A...IT WAS Angela or Andrea....

Anyhow I never heard a word they said when they would visit me in my office. I was to busy fantasizing about locking the door!

I swear my desk would be llevitated by the time they left.

You idiots crack me up. Im a rep at plus. I can tell you that Scott and Edwin could give a shit about your stupid comments and I know they have better things to do then read your rubbish.

Get a life and find a job you can succeed at because you do not belong in sales.

You idiots crack me up. Im a rep at plus. I can tell you that Scott and Edwin could give a shit about your stupid comments and I know they have better things to do then read your rubbish.

Get a life and find a job you can succeed at because you do not belong in sales.

Right on Edwin, Things in Cali not really progressing as planned, Ay?

Right on Edwin, Things in Cali not really progressing as planned, Ay?

Can't make it out there. It is a tough world. Only the fit survive. I think you might want to find a job that you can cut it. You obviously are struggling.

Once again this is not Edwin but Im sure I speak for most of the other reps out there.

You sure are a cry baby!

Hey it is you freaking geniuses that caused the government to cut reimbursement for Urovysion (I know you will blame Bostwick but your just as bad!)

Now you’re trying to fuck-up flow for everyone. What’s next……?

Also real sales people have to sell on technology and Features and Benefits in relation to ROI
All you guys do is show office based docs how to beat the system and make a fast buck...That’s not selling

Any unethical clown will go for that offer and there are lots of those guys in medicine today.
I would say guys like you remind me of Mr. Madoff.

That is why I left felt like I needed to go to confession and take a shower after every close!