Joining Octapharma


I am considering interviewing with Octapharma, and as usual this board seems to be mostly disgruntled pharma/bio reps adjusting to the new age of healthcare sales in which one actually has to ask for the business and negotiate to close.

That being said, my intent is not to offend anyone who has a legitimate gripe related to something other that the usual day to day grind and treatment in the corporate world.

I'm not looking for specifics related to salary, cars, etc. as that comes with seasoned negotiating skills and is different for everyone. I would like to know if Octapharma is a viable player in the IVIG market and, possibly more importantly, is IVIG viable therapy in the minds of the medical population. What is the most promising therapeutic frontier MS, Infertility? Are competitive products truly differentiated in any way other than type and level of sugar? At roughly $3,000 per infusion plus monthly maintenance is there enough margin in this therapy for a proven performer to be well compensated?

I'm sure I will receive the usual percentage of humorous (and not so) responses. Thanks for some of those and greater thanks to anyone who is involved in a succesful future with Octapharma and takes the time to respond.

Hope you're not scheduled for an interview w/ S. Marsh. If so, GOOD LUCK, you'll need it!

Wow, you sound perfect for Octapharma. Welcome aboard, douchebag. If you have done your homework you wouldn't be asking these questions. Good luck "negotiating" with this crack management team. None of them have ever sold any Octagam as a rep, and couldn't even sell their children to Michael Jackson.

To the OP, we aren't compensated on sales because we have nothing to sell, so you're bonused on paperwork attainment. The margin is fantastic but it does not come back to the field, so good sales rep or bad you'll make the same as everyone else.

Is anyone learning any selling skills? What happens when this market stabilizes and you have to actually sell something? Remember, most of you are ex-big pharma rejects. No pods to cover your asses.

Your free ride is over. You'll be gone long before the market stabilizes. The company just wants to secure their account information. If we have learned anything over lthe last 6 months it is that if we have supply our products will sell with or without you incompetent whiners.