but…..."The true test of something new in medicine should be: Is it better? Is it safer? Does it save money? If not, then we probably shouldn't be using it," says Nita Ahuja, M.D., an associate professor of surgery and oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and leader of the study published online on Dec. 18 in JAMA Surgery. "What we have found is that the robot is no better than laparoscopy and it costs more. It has no benefit."
How many of you would let your closes relative be experiemented on with this(single site). Vaginal Hyst? take two trocars and excise the ligaments/artery and pull the uterus out. Should take about 40 minutes with an edo stapler and a bipolar forceps. Patient goes home next day, PERIOD.
Sure, its proven for radical prostatectomy but from ACOG to the latest in JAMA? This is arguably the biggest device oversell in medical device history.
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How many of you would let your closes relative be experiemented on with this(single site). Vaginal Hyst? take two trocars and excise the ligaments/artery and pull the uterus out. Should take about 40 minutes with an edo stapler and a bipolar forceps. Patient goes home next day, PERIOD.
Sure, its proven for radical prostatectomy but from ACOG to the latest in JAMA? This is arguably the biggest device oversell in medical device history.
The sales of ambien to help you all sleep at night must be at record levels