John Young's video


Did everyone feel good about his video. It was almost like he wanted you to feel bad for him because he has to make these decisions. If him and the others in senior leadership really feel this way, they would never have reduced the severance packages. The video was just more lies from senior leadership.


I thought the video showed sincerity. It really showed what a good, caring human being he is. So much so that it brought tears to my eyes. This is the kind of leadership that corporate America needs. John, thanks for letting me keep my job! I really appreciate it dad!

I thought the video showed sincerity. It really showed what a good, caring human being he is. So much so that it brought tears to my eyes. This is the kind of leadership that corporate America needs. John, thanks for letting me keep my job! I really appreciate it dad!

OMG, that is priceless, for eveything else there is MASTERCARD!

There sure are way too many hateful people out there. I am relatively sure I am one of the ones who will lose my job--what exactly would you have him say? At least he didn't make a cheerful video and say, "You asked for it." And the Scottish culture is different from ours--and for any obnoxious dirtbag who wants to post a hateful comment back to me, I won't be checking your childish remark.

Did everyone feel good about his video. It was almost like he wanted you to feel bad for him because he has to make these decisions. If him and the others in senior leadership really feel this way, they would never have reduced the severance packages. The video was just more lies from senior leadership.

Give up your bonus to save our jobs, asshole. Better fire your communications people too, you are a dud!

What is remarkable to me is just how out of touch some of these folks have become. JY will receive an incredible bonus this year for what he has just executed. IR and FD similarly will receive compensation that will truly be an affront to our "VALUES." When they say "OWN IT", that is truly their own it....SAD!!!

There sure are way too many hateful people out there. I am relatively sure I am one of the ones who will lose my job--what exactly would you have him say? At least he didn't make a cheerful video and say, "You asked for it." And the Scottish culture is different from ours--and for any obnoxious dirtbag who wants to post a hateful comment back to me, I won't be checking your childish remark.

Yes I will acknowledge that the Scottish culture is different from ours (my grandparents were originally from Scotland). This latest move will make JY an even richer person. IR and FD will also gain significant additional wealth from this move. What I love is how he speaks about "VALUES", and "walk the talk"....PRICELESS

JY, you're just another tool in the Pfizer shed. Say hello to your fellow tools, IR, FD, KD,CW, and CS.

We have a complete tool set just in time for the Holiday season.

Isn't that special?

JY, you're just another tool in the Pfizer shed. Say hello to your fellow tools, IR, FD, KD,CW, and CS.

We have a complete tool set just in time for the Holiday season.

Isn't that special?

The video is dumb as hell. Sirens in background not even a good representation of pfizer. I dont want to hear nothing more from these people they have ruined my christmas holiday enough.

Could it be the Young is just a useful idiot?
Ian may have just filled him in when it was convenient.
Remember how Kindler treated Ian? (google Fortune article)
Ian was just a butt boy & Kindler held the leather belt to his butt.

Ian to Jeff; "thank you sir. May I have more?"
Now that Kindlers gone, there's no one to spank Ian when he gets a little willful.

Why is a euro UK socialist leading a US Primary Care division claiming extensive experience and insights of our customers when his only thin background is leading Europe and Canada since 2009 into losing sales, LOE strategies and cutting jobs?

I now he is the BFF of Ian from Scottish Glasnow U., but dayum!

I've never seen a thinner executive resume for a Fortune 500.

LOL! 45% of Pfizer's business, the US, is run by Europeans with zero US experience. Ian ran everyone with any US experience out. It was payback for all of the years that the US was the primary focus of Pfizer.

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