John Schutta


This clown is the worst of the worst. A self-proclaimed genius that is single handedly destroying internal medicine. Another condescending asshole that should go back to being a lawyer.


This clown is the worst of the worst. A self-proclaimed genius that is single handedly destroying internal medicine. Another condescending asshole that should go back to being a lawyer.

But he is making “yuge “ “yuge” changes for long term benefit. Fucking asshat c-suite prick, I hope he gets his soon!

I was so happy when I first came to Vaccines. Great energy in the group, allowed to make decisions and treated like adults. This jerk took over and made everything about metrics and nonsense that does not work in vaccine accounts. Within months, felt just like any other division in Pfizer that I had worked before. Pompous jerk.

He just learned he can pay his verizon bill online as he shared on recent call but he is helping shape bold moves. The biggest headwind at PFE is now a destroyed culture.

He tried to pull all the vaccine reps out of the pediatric offices right before the launch of a competitive pediatric vaccine. He was only successful with one region trying it out. Total disaster. Probably why he is no longer in the Vaccines division.

So many good people gone because of ineffective alignments. Isn’t there anyone in HQ that sees through this madness? Great person wrong spot gone……unmotivated, lack of results people stay because they were in the right geography.

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