Joe DeVivo fired

DeVivo was a loser who initially lifted the Ortho group up, but then brought in Gurav and a bunch of other "yes" men and now Frachette from Endo runs the show.
Ortho revenue in 2011... $2.2 bil
Ortho revenue in 2015... $1.9 bil

But still making 100% of their bonus for this fine performance
This bonus thing is a huge fiasco for the board. This should result in members of the board being on the hot seat...
Look for a buyout, if board members are looking at either getting voted out or authorizing a sale (and getting a payout, in the process), it's easy to see what is coming.

It's hard to believe that this once really good company prospered under DeVivo and he would be considered a great leader compared to the losers in charge now. The manufacturing management is clueless (and that is unkind to clueless people) along with a corrupt HR group in Memphis have been allowed to drive the business into the ground.

There is not a single leader anywhere on any level in Memphis. Really, really sad.