Joe Cuculo Meeting

The Joe Cuculo meeting in Chicago was last night. It was my first time meeting him in person. All the miserable haters on this board can say what they want about Zimmer, about health care reform and the future of the medical device industry... This guy is legit and I couldn't feel more comfortable with anyone else at the helm of the sales force.
Yeah the presentation may have come off as a little self-congratulatory, but how else is someone supposed to gain the trust and respect of hundreds of people in 90 minutes without going through a list of accomplishments?

What's important is that he clearly made an effort to demonstrate his understanding of the type of challenges the sales force is experiencing as this industry continues to evolve. It's reassuring to know your leader has lived in each one of the roles he's there to manage, and yes, he got shit done. He also seems aware of the sales force's need for help in understanding corporate's perspective and rationale since the DPA. Our environment and the rules we play by have changed, therefore we have been forced to adapt. We are part of a publicly traded company so you can expect those in charge to act in the interest of shareholders when sales underperform. That's the way it works. That's how we survive in the long run...

Basically this guy feels the low morale that's crept into the company and understands the root cause of it. He's a leader with decades of industry experience and the perfect bridge for the disconnect between corporate and sales. We need that. We also need our products to remain competitive. We have that, and the pipeline looks pretty fuggin sweet. See you at the NSM.

Jeff McCaulley along with his pals were Manchurian Candidate style "sleeper agents" inserted by Stryker into Zimmer to destroy the company. Unfortunately, our hero Joe Cuccolo doesn't know all of the sleeper agents at Zimmer...they work under a secret code system. Hint: the sleeper cells get activated when the Zimmer reps are told their commission rates are going down "because Stryker does it". The evil sleeper cells get activated when the reps are told they are going direct "because Stryker does it". The slimy zombie agents get activated when they stick non compete contracts in front of you to sign holding a gun to your beloved distributor (the distributor is begging for his life while Larry Siebs is laughing holding the Glock). As soon as you sign it......boom!!!

This guy cares wants to see Zimmer on top he's working hard is to be trusted know him well give him a chance all he wants is you to start selling again

I worked for him for several years in New England and he is a solid guy, strong leader, and dedicated to his cause. I would work for him again in a heart beat!