Joe Almeida

Andy Frye

Dear ALL,
Joes performance at townhall was inspiring . i cant wait for the refresh of NEW BAX strategy and "one farce multiplier"

Lets look at at what the "One farce multiplier" achieved

A share price south of $40 ( loss of 30 B)

A new confusing structure where Advanced surgery numbers are owned by multiple people so they can fight and argue over it

Three Presidents who really havent done anything . 4 with Pierro but at least he is collecting a shit load of frequent flyer miles

A smaller totally disengaged workforce, BPTW was the worst i have seen it , and they deliberately let questions about remuneration off

Manufacturing cant supply anything , costs rising faster than prices and salesgrowth

So yeah bring on the "new" strategy it will be entertaining at least


GI Joe has no strategy but dismantle the company like he did at covidien… the first step was to sell BPS at this was making money… probably the only asset sellable on its own… the second step is to ‘excise’ the renal cancer… which we are in the middle of… we will do whatever it takes like they use to say in 2008… hence why the cost of that split are hitting us so much right now… then the last chapter will come next under the form of single sales for each of the business units or under a bundle for a good price of course… remember well that name of Baxter because it probably won’t exist in 5 years time…

5 years ! i want it chopped up now to collect severance ,

as soon as they announce it i will do close to nothing , then 3 months out takesick leave

hopefully come back to big fat severance cheque

Joe Almeida what a sorry excuse of a CEO

Chief excuses Officer

Old baxter, Joe you have been here 8 fuckiing years , the state of the company is a reflection of your shit strategy

You are so incompetent its not funny, you have ZERO respect from GMs and Directors around the world, one mistake after another,

now we are 9 billion in debt after selling Halle, Renal, we barely make enough money to service our debt, the Board has given you the ultimatium of $50 per share by November or your out, YOUD BETTER start shopping us around as there is ZERO chance of bax doing well, the HST GBU will drag your aspirations down . What fucking moron buys a low innovation matresses company on the cusp of rising interest rates, high shipping costs, from a seller who put a lot of lipstick on the PIG. your idiot Jim Borzi proudly spruiks we purchased FERRARIS without engines ....what a bunch of stupid idiots .........................Joe you are alot wealthier than most but "my friend" you have zero respect from the baxter workforce.

Joe Almeida what a sorry excuse of a CEO

Chief excuses Officer

Old baxter, Joe you have been here 8 fuckiing years , the state of the company is a reflection of your shit strategy

You are so incompetent its not funny, you have ZERO respect from GMs and Directors around the world, one mistake after another,

now we are 9 billion in debt after selling Halle, Renal, we barely make enough money to service our debt, the Board has given you the ultimatium of $50 per share by November or your out, YOUD BETTER start shopping us around as there is ZERO chance of bax doing well, the HST GBU will drag your aspirations down . What fucking moron buys a low innovation matresses company on the cusp of rising interest rates, high shipping costs, from a seller who put a lot of lipstick on the PIG. your idiot Jim Borzi proudly spruiks we purchased FERRARIS without engines ....what a bunch of stupid idiots .........................Joe you are alot wealthier than most but "my friend" you have zero respect from the baxter workforce.
Just because you do not get the big picture… without HiR Baxter would have disappeared right now… also for the first time in history we really bought a company we had plenty of synergies with… and could be integrated triggering massive savings…

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