Jobs, jobs, jobs


For two years the conservaturds bitched and moaned that Obama and the dems weren't working to create jobs.
Now they are in charge, and they haven't mentioned jobs as one of their priorities.
In fact, they want to do everything but work on jobs. Gotta appease the 'baggers.
Remember, the clock is ticking, and everyone will be watching how the 'turds "man up"

For two years the conservaturds bitched and moaned that Obama and the dems weren't working to create jobs.
Now they are in charge, and they haven't mentioned jobs as one of their priorities.
In fact, they want to do everything but work on jobs. Gotta appease the 'baggers.
Remember, the clock is ticking, and everyone will be watching how the 'turds "man up"

Actually, the clock hasn't started ticking yet. They don't get sworn in until tomorrow. Do you suppose you could find it in your heart to give them time to fine the nearest restroom before you start whining?

Actually, the clock hasn't started ticking yet. They don't get sworn in until tomorrow. Do you suppose you could find it in your heart to give them time to fine the nearest restroom before you start whining?

Actually, you do know that they already have their agenda set. HC repeal, financial reform repeal, food safety repeal, investigations, busting unions, cutting social security.
All they really need is to find the shithouse, where they belong.
I know we disagree on almost everything, but please tell me that you are not that stupid.

Actually, you do know that they already have their agenda set. HC repeal, financial reform repeal, food safety repeal, investigations, busting unions, cutting social security.
All they really need is to find the shithouse, where they belong.
I know we disagree on almost everything, but please tell me that you are not that stupid.
Lucky for you and the Fucking r***** (Obama WH term) nation. Now that you've declared the new congress a failure you can put you focus on what's really important: Palin 2012.

For two years the conservaturds bitched and moaned that Obama and the dems weren't working to create jobs.
Now they are in charge, and they haven't mentioned jobs as one of their priorities.
In fact, they want to do everything but work on jobs. Gotta appease the 'baggers.
Remember, the clock is ticking, and everyone will be watching how the 'turds "man up"

That is true, and you obviously admit it trying to make your feeble point.

Stepped in it again PukingWolf. You really should try not to step in your own dog shit.

That is true, and you obviously admit it trying to make your feeble point.

Stepped in it again PukingWolf. You really should try not to step in your own dog shit.

So says the punchline poster who walks right into a shanking everytime he signs on here.

You have dog shit all over your face, chucky.

Actually, you do know that they already have their agenda set. HC repeal, financial reform repeal, food safety repeal, investigations, busting unions, cutting social security.
All they really need is to find the shithouse, where they belong.
I know we disagree on almost everything, but please tell me that you are not that stupid.

They have lots and lots of agendas. They have been working on the ones you know about, and on the secret ones that is the real agenda...the one that is going to hit you between the eyes. But they're still not in power until tomorrow.

They have lots and lots of agendas. They have been working on the ones you know about, and on the secret ones that is the real agenda...the one that is going to hit you between the eyes. But they're still not in power until tomorrow.

Well then, starting tomorrow, the 'turd agenda, secret or not, will fail. Hope you can keep an accurate count of the failures.

According to libbie rules, republicans have more than two years to blame this administration and the mess they have to clean up. :D They have to stop the job destruction that will follow implementation of the health care bill.

Just like in 1995?

You forget that a very large part of the Contract With America was voted on and passed on the very first day.

You have also forgotten that the US economy leaped forward under Republican leadership as soon as Clinton was castrated.

Obama has been castrated by the Republicans, and will only be allowed to pass certain "show" legislation just to placate the Losercrats.

The really important legislation, like the Dream Act, The Omnibus Spending Bill, and the FY 10-11 budget, Obamacare, will be taken care of by the Republicans who are, after all, the real party of the people.

Economic improvement began almost immediately after the November election. Americans were so giddy with excitement over Obama's defeat that leading economic indicators took off like a rocket.

Losercrats are now officially the Tax Increase Party, and they will choke on it.

You forget that a very large part of the Contract With America was voted on and passed on the very first day.

You have also forgotten that the US economy leaped forward under Republican leadership as soon as Clinton was castrated.

Obama has been castrated by the Republicans, and will only be allowed to pass certain "show" legislation just to placate the Losercrats.

The really important legislation, like the Dream Act, The Omnibus Spending Bill, and the FY 10-11 budget, Obamacare, will be taken care of by the Republicans who are, after all, the real party of the people.

Economic improvement began almost immediately after the November election. Americans were so giddy with excitement over Obama's defeat that leading economic indicators took off like a rocket.

Losercrats are now officially the Tax Increase Party, and they will choke on it.

And then you woke up.

Most of America woke up. It's only the blind libbies still in a daze chanting 'h-o-p-e a-n-d c-h-a-n-g-e'...'h-o-p-e a-n-d c-h-a-n-g-e'...'h-o-p-e a-n-d c-h-a-n-g-e'...'h-o-p-e a-n-d c-h-a-n-g-e'.............

Have you guys begun donning red robes like the rahsneeshees yet?

Creative posts are not your strong point.

Have you guys begun taking off your white robes and hoods yet?

Boner gave his acceptance speech today. It was quite noticeble that he failed to mentiond the JOBS even once during his speech.
This is the same tearful 'turd who asked the question "where are the jobs?" for 6 months prior to getting his current position.
Remarkable that now jobs just aren't that important.
This guy will even make the 'turd posters here wish for anyone, even Pelosi, to be back in power.

Boner gave his acceptance speech today. It was quite noticeble that he failed to mentiond the JOBS even once during his speech.This is the same tearful 'turd who asked the question "where are the jobs?" for 6 months prior to getting his current position.
Remarkable that now jobs just aren't that important.
This guy will even make the 'turd posters here wish for anyone, even Pelosi, to be back in power.

Did the Tan Man at least have a flag pin on?