Jobs eliminated today

one-is too many! A number of people I work with were told they don't have a position anymore. So much for believe in us, we will make it happen. Business as usual...right

Just horrible news. What were they told the reasons. Besides the obvious. Was it a specific region of country, product line, managers. Or just a simply you are fired and good luck ?

Had to do with multiple things...sales, mc, ppd performance, decile ranking drs, geography, salaries, how close you were to other reps and whether or not you were making the right amount of calls

Had to do with multiple things...sales, mc, ppd performance, decile ranking drs, geography, salaries, how close you were to other reps and whether or not you were making the right amount of calls

All I can say is I'm on the job hunt. I'm thankful I didn't get laid off but I can't believe them when they say they have enough to pay the bills. Oh, and I think I am losing some big docs plus gaining some territory. Thanks but no thanks.

Previous employee many people were laid off? Were they all in sales or any sales support or HO people invloved? I bet not, as they cost the company whereas sales brings in the $$$$. Good luck to those who were let go

Quick question to the people who were laid off...has anyone from this company, other than a close peer, reached out to you? No...thought not. Has anyone you reached out to in HO answered their phone or returned emails from you? No...thought not. So much for values..."respectful and responsive to our stakeholders" 'ethical in our efforts'...just answer the phone and return emails...not that hard to do!!!

Seriously, no one has reached out from management to those laid off. Especially from human resources with programs to assist you with resume & cover level building, job search programs, referral letters to use. I am serious here as any good company would be doing this to help with the transition and also to show those employees/reps remaining that they care about the people working there.

After all, without motivated front line employees/reps, Pernix does not stand a chance of succeeding financially.

The WS Grinder

Hey gtinder piece of shit. The Co is for ptofit.not a charity. Why don't you get of your pompous as with 100k shares and help them if you really give a fuck you fucking piece of shit

Why are you so vulgar in your language. The Grinder has been nothing but honest and supportive to the employees, as well as the investors. Often sharing information that many other appreciates.

But I do understand you are under stress. And rightfully so if you are an employee. So I forgive your post above.

The WS Grinder

Why are you so vulgar in your language. The Grinder has been nothing but honest and supportive to the employees, as well as the investors. Often sharing information that many other appreciates.

But I do understand you are under stress. And rightfully so if you are an employee. So I forgive your post above.

The WS Grinder

LOL...oh great one. I would agree that vulgarity isn't needed. Show that you do have some professionalism and maybe a college degree and use non curse words when posting.

Hey Grinder,

Just so you know something of a pharma sales culture. The remainder of the sales force is usually not the kindest of people. Pharma has never been kind to their people. I am indeed a sales rep left over.

Just this week, I have been threaten and belittle by my new manager. Which although sad is par for the course after a reorganization. Management (first line at least) reaction after such events are intimidation, fear and the good ole fashion beat down. Morale, yeah.

We are suppose to be grateful for the merciful company that spare us our jobs. Or something along those lines. Managers and directors that make it through these things are not the kind you usually want around.

Thank you sincerely for the above post. Would you say this very poor culture you mention above is attributed to current Pernix management or the pharma industry as a whole.

I ask as if this is directly a Pernix management issue
affecting morale, I cannot see how or why the sales reps would go up and beyond in trying to help save and turnaround the company that is indeed in dire financial condition at this time.

Thank you sincerely for the above post. Would you say this very poor culture you mention above is attributed to current Pernix management or the pharma industry as a whole.

I ask as if this is directly a Pernix management issue
affecting morale, I cannot see how or why the sales reps would go up and beyond in trying to help save and turnaround the company that is indeed in dire financial condition at this time.
Grinder it's Pernix for sure