Job Justification


Boselli's useless piece of fucksticks arrived in St. Louis today. Immediately made their lack of understanding of the basic principles of math, science, and physics painfully aware to those of us who do. Karen K and all those other talking dildos need to find themselves a happy orifice to climb into and die a calm, warm, moist, slow peaceful death. O'fallon is waiting on you fuckers, they're going to chew you up and spit you out unless Calvert and Conti get to you first. Stop wasting our time. Go back to where you came from. The Jeff(s) have had about enough of your shit and will send you packing faster than you can misinterpret an FDA regulation.

Randy D still running that outfit? Nice guy, but needs to find a spine or a set of cojones. Lot of fine hard working people there in the Midwest who only want to do things right and make money for the company. Too bad the corp execs from on high like to swoop in and completely undermine all of the positive feedback from the actual true real meaningful audits from the FDA and other governing bodies from about the globe. Go back to Canada, the east coast or wherever is it you were hatched. We don't nee you here to be compliant.