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Job at NIBR


I am an academic researcher considering a job at NIBR, but early in the process. My understanding is that Novartis has a pretty good pipeline coming up over the next 5 years, as compared to other companies. My questions are for people who are familiar with NIBR:

1. What is the working environment like for senior investigators? How much latitude to control their lab? How much do bureaucracy or politics get in the way of target characterization and drug discovery?
2. Do bonuses actually get paid? What percentage of salary is usually given?
3. Same for stock awards - are they actually paid? What percentage of salary (or range)?
4. What is the 401k arrangement? How much does the company offer upfront and as matching?
5. What is the pension plan arrangement? I understand it is defined contribution - how much would the company contribute for a 50-55 yo? Is there a mandatory contribution by the employee?
6. For travel do employees have some say on airline choice and times? does the company ever pay for business class?
7. Is there a gym at Cambridge NIBR?
8. Relocation packages - what is offered? Any sign on bonuses?

Sorry for all the questions but this is new to me. I have seen all the the snarky responses to other threads, so don't bother if thats all you can say.


I am an academic researcher considering a job at NIBR, but early in the process. My understanding is that Novartis has a pretty good pipeline coming up over the next 5 years, as compared to other companies. My questions are for people who are familiar with NIBR:

1. What is the working environment like for senior investigators? How much latitude to control their lab? How much do bureaucracy or politics get in the way of target characterization and drug discovery?
2. Do bonuses actually get paid? What percentage of salary is usually given?
3. Same for stock awards - are they actually paid? What percentage of salary (or range)?
4. What is the 401k arrangement? How much does the company offer upfront and as matching?
5. What is the pension plan arrangement? I understand it is defined contribution - how much would the company contribute for a 50-55 yo? Is there a mandatory contribution by the employee?
6. For travel do employees have some say on airline choice and times? does the company ever pay for business class?
7. Is there a gym at Cambridge NIBR?
8. Relocation packages - what is offered? Any sign on bonuses?

Sorry for all the questions but this is new to me. I have seen all the the snarky responses to other threads, so don't bother if thats all you can say.


I am an academic researcher considering a job at NIBR, but early in the process. My understanding is that Novartis has a pretty good pipeline coming up over the next 5 years, as compared to other companies. My questions are for people who are familiar with NIBR:

1. What is the working environment like for senior investigators? How much latitude to control their lab? How much do bureaucracy or politics get in the way of target characterization and drug discovery?
2. Do bonuses actually get paid? What percentage of salary is usually given?
3. Same for stock awards - are they actually paid? What percentage of salary (or range)?
4. What is the 401k arrangement? How much does the company offer upfront and as matching?
5. What is the pension plan arrangement? I understand it is defined contribution - how much would the company contribute for a 50-55 yo? Is there a mandatory contribution by the employee?
6. For travel do employees have some say on airline choice and times? does the company ever pay for business class?
7. Is there a gym at Cambridge NIBR?
8. Relocation packages - what is offered? Any sign on bonuses?

Sorry for all the questions but this is new to me. I have seen all the the snarky responses to other threads, so don't bother if thats all you can say.

"they" have been saying the same thing about the pipeline since NIBR was formed and it has never come true. Ask specifically about it and you will be surprised.

First of all, this site is not an ideal place to get advice about NIBR. There are relatively few people on this site from NIBR, and the most vocal folks tend to be malcontents.
Your question about politics and atmosphere will depend heavily on your therapeutic area. Your DA head will determine 90% of your work environment. If you don't have any business background then remember that Novartis is a company that needs to make medicines and generate a profit, and it is not enough to do interesting experiments. I don't mean to insult you by saying that, but you would be surprised how many people come from academia and never grasp that.
Bonuses do get paid, and if you meet expectations you will probably receive what you expected. You should ask them what the percent target bonus is for the position. No need to be shy about it. Stock gets awarded too but that is much more open to negotiation. In any event if you choose to move to NIBR you should point out what you're leaving behind so they can compensate you for making the leap. Stock vests over several years so you have to be committed if you want it.
401k is pretty standard. Again you should be asking about this point blank, don't be shy. HR is used to discussing this and it shows that you're not naive.
The pension plan is DC and is a flat percent of your salary, maybe high single digits or maybe a bit higher. You do not make any contribution to this plan.
For travel you have some choice but not a lot. It is a major pain booking travel and one of my complaints about the place. They are rather tight fisted in this regard. Translatlantic flights are business class for everybody.
No gym in Cambridge that I know of, but they have an arrangement with the MIT gym or some other gym.
Relocation--absolutely. Signon bonus, again absolutely, if you ask!
Biggest advice here is talk to a trusted friend who's made the move to pharma. Judging by your questions you would benefit from his or her advice.
Good luck.