Jim Cramer and Joe Papa Carnival Road show


All the corporate communications in the world couldn't sell this snake oil garbage can company. Joe Papa has one goal, steal as much money as he can before he walks out the door and he'll use his pal Jim Cramer to help do it.

All the corporate communications in the world couldn't sell this snake oil garbage can company. Joe Papa has one goal, steal as much money as he can before he walks out the door and he'll use his pal Jim Cramer to help do it.

Joe POS Papa's response to the stock tanking "Market conditions"

The simple fact is Joe has done an absolutely horrible job with this company and should be removed.

Agree that this company is run by a group of incompetent fools and crooks since the days of Valeant . The old B&L was not a bunch of crooks just dumb asses ! We are now complete!

That is a trick question they are all crap and personally I don't give a shit about the ''other'' Oph companies and how good or bad they are. I do care that B&L is run by idiots and crooks whom would sell us off in pieces and line their pockets on the way out the door.

B&L will no longer exits in less than 5 years. The products will sold off and the employees will be dust in the wind. If you don't believe that then you believe Joe Papa has done a great job with our stock.

May 2016 $25.90
May 2022 $18.66

Corporate communication can't spin that nonsense

Papa should be FIRED!

The pharma model of marketing ,Management and sales reps selling to Drs is going to be a thing of the past
in the next 5 years .The Fed's are controlling more and more of drug formularys and the pressure against the industry ( greedy bastards that they are) so the need of pharma reps is obsolete. If your drug isn't on the Fed formulary is doesn't get filled. The companies will survive but our jobs are gone.

First off, Jim Cramer is one of the worst people to take investment advice. But to be be real this is a train wreck, let’s be real our head of sales doesn’t know shit about eye care. Our products sell themselves and we could even get a 2nd job and I am a manager doing this, well I guess saying it as well

First off, Jim Cramer is one of the worst people to take investment advice. But to be be real this is a train wreck, let’s be real our head of sales doesn’t know shit about eye care. Our products sell themselves and we could even get a 2nd job and I am a manager doing this, well I guess saying it as well

You sound like a physician charging $750 per hour for designing and conducting clinical trials then complaining about the high prices of drugs.

First off, Jim Cramer is one of the worst people to take investment advice. But to be be real this is a train wreck, let’s be real our head of sales doesn’t know shit about eye care. Our products sell themselves and we could even get a 2nd job and I am a manager doing this, well I guess saying it as well

Train wreck > Dorothea

Twitter and BL are two of the most disgusting brands in America. Vale’s r changed its name, but it is a disgusting pod to its core always was still is. You losers work for a disgusting fat bloated debt ridden garbage pile of shit

Twitter and BL are two of the most disgusting brands in America. Vale’s r changed its name, but it is a disgusting pod to its core always was still is. You losers work for a disgusting fat bloated debt ridden garbage pile of shit

Can't disagree but at least we get corporate communication notifications of free donuts in the cafeteria. Our CEO has our best interests in mind. Greatest turnaround story in the pharmaceutical l company industry with 7 significate products.

Don't forget about our two empty head lackluster dingdongs (Ackerman and Yolonde) trying to explain our stock and how bright the future looks for the company. Good thing I was sitting on the toilet during that presentation.

We could sell presentations of Papa, Ackerman. Yolande and that giant DB : Dorothea as a new medication for constipation! Just thinking of them gives me the drizzling shits!

We could sell presentations of Papa, Ackerman. Yolande and that giant DB : Dorothea as a new medication for constipation! Just thinking of them gives me the drizzling shits!

What exactly does Dumbthea bring to our company other than worthless babble of useless information. She can't lead anything, so she's limited to micromanaging.

Douchthea is really good at (nothing) but color coded graphs and Monday morning sphinter-lock emails and her Romper Room antics on endless, useless conference calls. The migration has been so much fun and trying to get anyone you can understand and knows what the hell they are doing is so B&L .( cheap and soul crushing)