Jennifer Scott---Plus $555,000

being awarded and collecting are two very different birds. Only 20 percent of individuals that WIN their suit ever collect. An appeal (which I'm sure Merck can easily file) will drag on and on and pretty soon you have nothing . . . Years will go by and it gets very old chasing dirt through court.

I'm a recruiter for GSK and Genetech and I just received Ms. Scott's resume.... I think I'll
pass this time and hire a "team player". She will win nothing in the end.

By team player you mean A*SKiS*? Come on you know the good old boy network is alive and well and that BS about team player only is for the bottem of the food chain. Upper management is only out for themselves and their wallets!!

I'm a recruiter for GSK and Genetech and I just received Ms. Scott's resume.... I think I'll
pass this time and hire a "team player". She will win nothing in the end.

I admire Ms Scott for doing the right thing.
The fact that the immoral big corporate Mother Merck is now going to use it's extraordinarily deep pockets to spend her into submission is more a reflection of a) how little Mother really cares about ethics and b) the fundamental lack of equity when an individual (no matter how correct) takes on a corporation (no matter how wrong).

We all know how this will end up if Mother chooses to dig her heels in.

Kind of puts into perspective the recent Supreme Court decision that allows Corporations uncapped political contribution.

There are two types of "people" left in the US of A: The CORPORATIONS and the people for whom the Bill of Rights was originally written.

People .... I think we just all lost.

SHAME ON YOU (once again), MOTHER!

Settlement amount is low. It will be minimal to her after tax bite and any attorney fees. She'll see about 1 years salary. Hardly worth all it took the hassle. Should have been substantially higher and included a job.

Oh wow ! Merck giving someone $550,000 over 5 years (in the end it will be more like $50,000)
is like me giving you a nickel. I'm sure they will just take it out of the Sales Force incentive plan, so each of us will be paying her $100 and Merck will pay her nothing. Now she is unemployable because the other Big Corporations love Merck and hate the working woman.
This is a sad reality. Merck will be willing to spent an additional million dollars of legal fees
(the Sales Force will pay for this too) just to try to defeat her and get back their reputation.
In fact I know for a fact Big Pharma Companies share a legal defense fund to attack people like Jen Scott. She now faces an exhausting amount of time and energy to keep her settlement
and the only situation Merck would have given up is if they settled out of court. They probably offered her $300,000 tax free to close the case and she should have taken the money and ran with it.

Concerned Citizen

I say keep suing them. with the number of terminations combined with the ineptness of the unqualified managers that we have in the ranks of the company, someone will take notice of this. It might take a while, but you cant continue to fork out this amount of cash every time somenone takes you to court for what she did. As for the "recruiter"-what a joke. Maybe thats why you cant place anybody because you dont even know talent when it hits you in the face. very nice. keep up the good work

Oh wow ! Merck giving someone $550,000 over 5 years (in the end it will be more like $50,000)
is like me giving you a nickel. I'm sure they will just take it out of the Sales Force incentive plan, so each of us will be paying her $100 and Merck will pay her nothing. Now she is unemployable because the other Big Corporations love Merck and hate the working woman.
This is a sad reality. Merck will be willing to spent an additional million dollars of legal fees
(the Sales Force will pay for this too) just to try to defeat her and get back their reputation.
In fact I know for a fact Big Pharma Companies share a legal defense fund to attack people like Jen Scott. She now faces an exhausting amount of time and energy to keep her settlement
and the only situation Merck would have given up is if they settled out of court. They probably offered her $300,000 tax free to close the case and she should have taken the money and ran with it.

Concerned Citizen
Ms. Scott's award is chump change. I'll take Dean Steinke's 2/3 billion instead. I wonder what Dean is really getting after that huge award. I'd be real happy with just1% of that award.

I say keep suing them. with the number of terminations combined with the ineptness of the unqualified managers that we have in the ranks of the company, someone will take notice of this. It might take a while, but you cant continue to fork out this amount of cash every time somenone takes you to court for what she did. As for the "recruiter"-what a joke. Maybe thats why you cant place anybody because you dont even know talent when it hits you in the face. very nice. keep up the good work

Maybe you are on to something. Let"s flood them with sex, race, age, religious discrimination
along "off label" whistle blowing law suits. Let's open the gates and flood them until they drown in debt. You are right $550,000 is clump change.

Any guesses to what Merck spent and continue to spend in legal fees to their $750 per hour Attorney's? It has to more than $550,000. They don't seem to care, they just want to bleed every last cent from poor Jennifer even though they were wrong they refuse to admit it.

Any guesses to what Merck spent and continue to spend in legal fees to their $750 per hour Attorney's? It has to more than $550,000. They don't seem to care, they just want to bleed every last cent from poor Jennifer even though they were wrong they refuse to admit it.

MRK: Where doing the wrong thing is now the right thing to do.

Come join us and enjoy a wonderful and engaging position, until we harmonize your butt out the door to make room for the next chattle.

....and our regrets for not being able to do anything else than to decrease your total compensation from year to year.... we do after all have to pay Ken and all of the other lawyers (and those temporary contract lawyers are SOOOOO much more spendy than those temporary contract reps)