Jeff's title was Manager, Training & Development. The Corporate Sales Trainers directly reported to him, Joe Huff, or Tracy, depending on specialty. I found him to be highly intelligent, and he had excellent stage presence while presenting at National Meetings, etc.
I agree that Jeff was unhappy working for Barb Casey. He deserved better. Most people had a hard time working for her. She was robotic and not very bright. She WAS clever, as are many fundamentally dishonest people. And she got off on firing people. Sick.
When Jeff was promoted to Managed Care, Barb replaced him with Craig Moraes. There is no way Craig Moraes could hold a candle to Jeff. Craig was arrogant, immature, openly made fun of people in a malicious way, and recycled old, worn out ideas, pretending they were his own. He didn't have what it takes to be a decent human being, much less direct T&D.
Tim Gerrits, former RVP and straight shooter, replaced Barb, who retired early, or was forced out after making several BIG mistakes. And I do mean BIG. Eventually, Craig Moraes went back to the field. Not sure if he's still with the company. For your sakes, hope he's gone.