JEEZ PFIZER!!! Another criminal probe???


Now bribery in foreign lands?
You guys are horrible!

As if the 2.3 billion a couple of years ago wasn't enough. As if Trovan and Nigeria weren't enough. As if the Peter Rost case wasn't enough. As if selling chantix off label and hiding side effects weren't enough. As if witness intimidation with David Franklin (neurontin whistleblower) wasn't enough.

The dirtiest, group of scumbags in the industry. Your life, your work, YOUR Pfizer.


Bribery is necessary in your turd world.

I bet if I exposed your ugly ass I could find plenty of felonies in your life. But hey, who gives a shit about a loser who lives in his mom's basement?

Back to Pfizer, yeah it sucks. So what's YOUR point?

Bribery is necessary. Yep. Spoken like a true Pfizer rep.
Thanks for making my point.

No smug asswipe. Bribery is necessary in your turd world countries that you worship. If Pfizer doesn't play, then those turd worlders get shitty drugs. Get it? Nope, I'm sure.

Bribery is the way those governments work. Do a little research first, numbnuts.

Spoken like a true commie, lies covered up with more lies, to make people hate winners. Thanks for showing your true colors.

Sounds like we need tougher Pharma Rules. Who made those rules anyway? Who do they benefit other than it has saved companies millions on promotional stuff they would give us to make some people in the office happpy. Come on your briliant CEO's lets put your heads together and find out how you can ask your sales force to do more with less. In the mean time how about a trip in your nice new helicoptor. Man the money that gets wasted on those at the top. Salary,beneifts,stockoptions, must be good to be the king...

Poster #I understand you are on the defensive...clearly with the name calling.
So because "thats how it's done" Pfizer should go ahead and do it. Right?

Thanks again for making my point. And for the name calling. We all see your ability to make a point and hold a serious discussion. Lacking cognitively makes you angry and pushes you to call names.

I get it. I know. I have a couple little ones at home that do the same thing. (all under age 5)

It's cool.

Poster #I understand you are on the defensive...clearly with the name calling.
So because "thats how it's done" Pfizer should go ahead and do it. Right?

Thanks again for making my point. And for the name calling. We all see your ability to make a point and hold a serious discussion. Lacking cognitively makes you angry and pushes you to call names.

I get it. I know. I have a couple little ones at home that do the same thing. (all under age 5)

It's cool.

"Lacking cognitively"? Oh the libtard is attempting to sound scholarly, yet FAILED. Forgive me for despising you and all that you think.

Yes, "that's how it's done". If you had any cognitive abilities, you would have read my post in full and understood that if Pfizer doesn't play by the dirtbags rules running the third world, or even the rest of the world, then the poor proletariat doesn't get the best and newest drugs and they suffer even worse.

But hey, your hatred for Pfizer blinds your pea brain so badly, that you'd rather see people suffer than Pfizer do what it takes to help them.

For a libtard, where's your compassion? That's right, you have no compassion if it doesn't fit your agenda of hating big, bad, evil drug companies. Typical.

Hitler, Stalin and Mao caused immeasurable suffering too, all in the name of leftism, anti-capitalism, and making up their own rules as they feel. You fit right in the club.

"Lacking cognitively"? Oh the libtard is attempting to sound scholarly, yet FAILED. Forgive me for despising you and all that you think.

Yes, "that's how it's done". If you had any cognitive abilities, you would have read my post in full and understood that if Pfizer doesn't play by the dirtbags rules running the third world, or even the rest of the world, then the poor proletariat doesn't get the best and newest drugs and they suffer even worse.

But hey, your hatred for Pfizer blinds your pea brain so badly, that you'd rather see people suffer than Pfizer do what it takes to help them.

For a libtard, where's your compassion? That's right, you have no compassion if it doesn't fit your agenda of hating big, bad, evil drug companies. Typical.

Hitler, Stalin and Mao caused immeasurable suffering too, all in the name of leftism, anti-capitalism, and making up their own rules as they feel. You fit right in the club.[/QUOTE
oh!!! So now, patients will suffer if Pfizer won't do dirty business with the dirty scumbags. Ok, now I really get it. So suddenly it is about patients. I get it. And, because Pfizer payed a massive 2.3 billion fine a couple of years, has several more investigations current, AND does 'dirty business' with 'dirtbags', I am just as bad as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao because I pointed it out and you don't like it.
Really not much of an intellectual are you?

The only thing that could make this conversation worse, is for you to share with us that you are a parent. God help us all.

Makes sense

"Lacking cognitively"? Oh the libtard is attempting to sound scholarly, yet FAILED. Forgive me for despising you and all that you think.

Yes, "that's how it's done". If you had any cognitive abilities, you would have read my post in full and understood that if Pfizer doesn't play by the dirtbags rules running the third world, or even the rest of the world, then the poor proletariat doesn't get the best and newest drugs and they suffer even worse.

But hey, your hatred for Pfizer blinds your pea brain so badly, that you'd rather see people suffer than Pfizer do what it takes to help them.

For a libtard, where's your compassion? That's right, you have no compassion if it doesn't fit your agenda of hating big, bad, evil drug companies. Typical.

Hitler, Stalin and Mao caused immeasurable suffering too, all in the name of leftism, anti-capitalism, and making up their own rules as they feel. You fit right in the club.[/QUOTE
oh!!! So now, patients will suffer if Pfizer won't do dirty business with the dirty scumbags. Ok, now I really get it. So suddenly it is about patients. I get it. And, because Pfizer payed a massive 2.3 billion fine a couple of years, has several more investigations current, AND does 'dirty business' with 'dirtbags', I am just as bad as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao because I pointed it out and you don't like it.
Really not much of an intellectual are you?

The only thing that could make this conversation worse, is for you to share with us that you are a parent. God help us all.

Makes sense

Learn your facts idiot. You still make no sense, just ignorant insinuations. Good job "parent". You are a pathetic ass, and God help us that you breed and exist.

The fine was due to purchased companies' prior acts. Not only that, how did they hurt patients? tell me, huh? Yeah they allegedly told doctors about other safe uses of the drugs that could help patients, which were well studied and awaiting approval from the FDA. which in fact, were approved. The off-label laws are idiotic and make no sense, as well. It's just a control mechanism for the government to try to take over medicine. Also, the whole plea deal was a sham. look into it. I know you won't.

As for the patients, if its not good for patients, the company would go bankrupt, you imbecile. Why don't you research the "bribery" allegations in full before you start hating, like a typical histrionic libtard?

Yes, you are a useful idiot and help out the despots in charge by doing their dirty work screaming hate towards capitalism without any intelligent thought or investigation of the facts. Well done.

Now go back to your delusional life of elitism. Do your children and us a favor, go get your Dunning-Kruger syndrome fixed. Maybe you'd be as angry as I am once you see reality for what it is? Good luck.

The fine was not due to 'other companies' and their sales tactics.
Were other companies selling Bextra off label?
Were other companies selling Lyrica off label?
Were other companies selling Geodon off label?
Were other companies selling Zyvox off label?

Apparently, you haven't read the agreement. Because I have many, many times. Gave several depositions in the matter.

The agreement WAS about Bextra and the above mentioned drugs. The one you are thinking of (when you do think) was the Neurontin agreement which was from Parke-Davis.

Nothing like an angry man who can't even argue correctly OR about the right subject matter.

Go back to school son and read ..or learn to read...before you start spouting off things which you have no idea about.

So if I were to put it in your words, it would sound like this-
"thats right bitch! looks like you just got dissed for the non-reading, punk ass, misinformed fucktard that you are"

Or, you just don't have what it takes. Whichever one. I am correct. now take your bitch little ass and go learn to read so you don't make a fool of yourself anymore. Your company has clearly already done that for you

The fine was not due to 'other companies' and their sales tactics.
Were other companies selling Bextra off label?
Were other companies selling Lyrica off label?
Were other companies selling Geodon off label?
Were other companies selling Zyvox off label?

Apparently, you haven't read the agreement. Because I have many, many times. Gave several depositions in the matter.

The agreement WAS about Bextra and the above mentioned drugs. The one you are thinking of (when you do think) was the Neurontin agreement which was from Parke-Davis./QUOTE]

You are still a moron. Lying about everything, and trying to sound like you are always right. The only deposition you've ever given was when your wife divorced you, troll.

Bextra???? That was a G. D. Searle & Company drug and it was Pharmacia's criminal marketing. That was a $1.3 billion CRIMINAL fine.

The other drugs were included in the CIA and were only civil fines. "Pfizer expressly denies all of these civil allegations, with the exception that Pfizer acknowledges certain improper actions related to the promotion of Zyvox."

Pfizer did not plead guilty to the criminal Bextra charge, it was an invented shell corporation PHARMACIA & UPJOHN COMPANY, INC., , made just for the plea to be a subsidiary of Pfizer.

Pfizer is not innocent, but you paint a broad brush of evil onto not only the company but its present day sales reps.

That's why you are a "bitch! looks like you just got dissed for the non-reading, punk ass, misinformed fucktard that you are"!, as stated in your own lame assed words.

If as you say you were deposed, then it was your ass who was selling illegally. See, anyone can easily accuse a turd like you of committing crimes. Punk, enjoy prison where you belong.

Wow, it does feel good to act like a libtard. I see why it appeals so much to you.

wow! back for more? Look everyone..the bitch is back!
Ok, I'll do you like I did before. The 'shell' corporation was put together for the settlement. The criminal activity took place while Pfizer's PRO division and primary care division were promoting Bextra. Not Pharmacia you moron. Pfizer BOUGHT Pharmacia then integrated those reps you dumbass
Was Pharmacia still a separate company in 2004? How about 2005? 06?
Do I need to keep going?
Apparently you are stupid enough that you don't get it.
Pfizer bought the drug and marketed it. How fucking stupid are you?
The original Pfizer Bextra whistleblower was pfizer employee you moron!!!!! OMG you are fucking stupid!!!!
I was deposed because I contacted the government to show them all of my documents so I could take fuck bags like you down.

Who got the last laugh bitch? I did.
ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

you are so stupid! you conservatives got mad when folks compared Bush to Hitler. And here you are comparing the poster to Hitler for pointing out how crooked of a company Pfizer is.

YOU ARE A FUCKING r*****!!!!!

wow! back for more? Look everyone..the bitch is back!
Ok, I'll do you like I did before. The 'shell' corporation was put together for the settlement. The criminal activity took place while Pfizer's PRO division and primary care division were promoting Bextra. Not Pharmacia you moron. Pfizer BOUGHT Pharmacia then integrated those reps you dumbass
Was Pharmacia still a separate company in 2004? How about 2005? 06?
Do I need to keep going?
Apparently you are stupid enough that you don't get it.
Pfizer bought the drug and marketed it. How fucking stupid are you?
The original Pfizer Bextra whistleblower was pfizer employee you moron!!!!! OMG you are fucking stupid!!!!
I was deposed because I contacted the government to show them all of my documents so I could take fuck bags like you down.

Who got the last laugh bitch? I did.
ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

YEAH! We need more people like YOU!

The fine was not due to 'other companies' and their sales tactics.
Were other companies selling Bextra off label?
Were other companies selling Lyrica off label?
Were other companies selling Geodon off label?
Were other companies selling Zyvox off label?

Apparently, you haven't read the agreement. Because I have many, many times. Gave several depositions in the matter.

The agreement WAS about Bextra and the above mentioned drugs. The one you are thinking of (when you do think) was the Neurontin agreement which was from Parke-Davis.

Nothing like an angry man who can't even argue correctly OR about the right subject matter.

Go back to school son and read ..or learn to read...before you start spouting off things which you have no idea about.

So if I were to put it in your words, it would sound like this-
"thats right bitch! looks like you just got dissed for the non-reading, punk ass, misinformed fucktard that you are"

Or, you just don't have what it takes. Whichever one. I am correct. now take your bitch little ass and go learn to read so you don't make a fool of yourself anymore. Your company has clearly already done that for you

Great work, Counselor. You're absolutely correct; I'm pretty sure Lilly didn't sell Geodon off-label? But they sold Zyprexa off-label every day of the week. You sound like a newly-graduated lawyer from NYU. You have a lot of classroom smarts, but (where it counts) you're just like a rookie cop of his first patrol.

Run along now, I think I hear your Mom calling you home for supper.

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