JD MSL Rheum Director


This guy is an complete idiot of a leader. Servant leader my a$$. He serves himself. Now he’s hiring another cronie to support his YES movement. Countless HR complaints and no resolution. He’s losing the locker room. We can’t tell him
that. He’s not receptive like DJT. He doesn’t need more FD’s. People are leaving and he can’t figure it out. Complete jackass.

I completely agree. He’s lost the locker room and the respect of the Rheum team and his FD’s. Let’s just hope he doesn’t hire another FD and start the mass exodus in Rheum. People are already calling recruiters if that happens.

Not to worry. as a white person I understand white privilege. It surprises me he does not and he has no diversity on his leadership team. I am offended that a white leader would act just like our former president. JD and DJT has similar initials too. Someone in HR should wake up.