JB Has finally left LV! I want to take a moment recognize all he did.


This past week we had our last breakout with JB. Let’s recognize some of the Impacts he has had.

1) He won Area of the year in 2021! On the backs of everyone else! As he didn’t do a damn thing. The guy has never won anything at any company on his own merit.

2) He plays favorites with his buddies. If you’re in this “ group”you are safe from everything. You don’t need to make plan ever and you can act as inappropriate as you want and you will get a “gold medal” for your efforts.

3) Hs is a bully who rules by fear and intimidation. He treats people not in his “click” like they are way beneath him.

4) He Is ok with discrimination of all types

5) He hired only managers who he can control like puppets. Not a single one of them are good enough to be in the positions there are. BG should clean house!

6) if you need any proof of what I am saying look around. All of our great TM’s are leaving! No one wants to stay here. How many mew TM’s since last live sales meeting?

7) Charlotte-How in the world does he still have any job after how that meeting went. I had no idea that if you were in management you could get wasted and start chasing females around like you’re 15!

JB is what is wrong with Zoll! Having someone like him in leadership says all you need to say.

This past week we had our last breakout with JB. Let’s recognize some of the Impacts he has had.

1) He won Area of the year in 2021! On the backs of everyone else! As he didn’t do a damn thing. The guy has never won anything at any company on his own merit.

2) He plays favorites with his buddies. If you’re in this “ group”you are safe from everything. You don’t need to make plan ever and you can act as inappropriate as you want and you will get a “gold medal” for your efforts.

3) Hs is a bully who rules by fear and intimidation. He treats people not in his “click” like they are way beneath him.

4) He Is ok with discrimination of all types

5) He hired only managers who he can control like puppets. Not a single one of them are good enough to be in the positions there are. BG should clean house!

6) if you need any proof of what I am saying look around. All of our great TM’s are leaving! No one wants to stay here. How many mew TM’s since last live sales meeting?

7) Charlotte-How in the world does he still have any job after how that meeting went. I had no idea that if you were in management you could get wasted and start chasing females around like you’re 15!

JB is what is wrong with Zoll! Having someone like him in leadership says all you need to say.

I can’t argue with most of that! I bet his protected people are all looking for other jobs! I’m going to guess the WV manager who benefited the most from JBs special brand of favoritism will be the first to go!!!!

Interesting thought! It will be nice not to hear about the West Virginia region anymore. Do they ever even make plan? I have talked to their manager at meeting once and I will say he isn’t the smartest guy I have ever talked to, No wonder they are always Behind.

Listen up. He probably wasn’t asked to take his talents to THEROX because of alleged poor behavior. This is a growth oriented leadership position and the company most likely had no one better suited to lead this division than JB. All the haters can say what they want but I have no doubt the trajectory of THEROX will rapidly improve with a man’s man like JB at the helm!!

Listen up. He probably wasn’t asked to take his talents to THEROX because of alleged poor behavior. This is a growth oriented leadership position and the company most likely had no one better suited to lead this division than JB. All the haters can say what they want but I have no doubt the trajectory of THEROX will rapidly improve with a man’s man like JB at the helm!!

Only one person I can think of would start a post with a command (and outdated expression) like “listen up”

Interesting thought! It will be nice not to hear about the West Virginia region anymore. Do they ever even make plan? I have talked to their manager at meeting once and I will say he isn’t the smartest guy I have ever talked to, No wonder they are always Behind.

You must be the person I was listening to at the worthless meeting. Sooo painful! I would have done anything to miss it! I heard that the TM in WV who never sells anything but has always been protected by the "good ole boy" network didn't have to attend. Heard he was bragging to his friends that he didn't even have to come to the meeting making up some silly vaccine excuse that wasn't true so he could go hunting (WV thing I guess). They were laughing about him posting videos on social media of him hunting while the meeting was going on. Wonder how long he will be able to pull that stuff off when his numbers keep dropping? I guess don't hate the player...I should be best friends with my manager like he is!

You must be the person I was listening to at the worthless meeting. Sooo painful! I would have done anything to miss it! I heard that the TM in WV who never sells anything but has always been protected by the "good ole boy" network didn't have to attend. Heard he was bragging to his friends that he didn't even have to come to the meeting making up some silly vaccine excuse that wasn't true so he could go hunting (WV thing I guess). They were laughing about him posting videos on social media of him hunting while the meeting was going on. Wonder how long he will be able to pull that stuff off when his numbers keep dropping? I guess don't hate the player...I should be best friends with my manager like he is!

It seems this is the place all reps want to be. Large pay checks and great work/life balance. You do well at Zoll and any company will jump at hiring you!! JB was able to parlay his success at LV into launching a novel therapy at TherOx.

So a TM from West Virginia missed the sales meeting to hunt? That is complete BS. I am an avid hunter and I was there every second of the meeting? I didn’t know that was an option.

What is refreshing is that the LV division of Zoll doesn’t have JB in it anymore. TM’s and RM’s all over our area couldn’t be happier! Well except for those few in WV. Those losers have been protected for years. Party is over WV. We don’t have to hear about you anymore. JB never really cared about you because he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. That is why no one misses him when he leaves anywhere! They are happy he is gone. Isn’t that right Bob?

JB is already turning around TherOx. Looking forward to big things in the future for that man. BTW, I heard rumors women usually come on to him.

Oh here we go again JB, I thought HR told you not to post here anymore! You are a legend in your own mind my friend. As I recall the (extremely) drunk girl in Charlotte wasn’t the one all over you….it was the other way around! No woman is wanting you including Cheryl. And how exactly have you already turned TherOx around? A product that only treats 10% of its targeted patient population. (if you don’t know that you will!!!) This will be fun to watch!

Oh here we go again JB, I thought HR told you not to post here anymore! You are a legend in your own mind my friend. As I recall the (extremely) drunk girl in Charlotte wasn’t the one all over you….it was the other way around! No woman is wanting you including Cheryl. And how exactly have you already turned TherOx around? A product that only treats 10% of its targeted patient population. (if you don’t know that you will!!!) This will be fun to watch!
You sound like a little bitch. If only you spent the same amount of time criticizing JB towards your own professional development maybe you’d actually be worth a damn. What will be fun to watch is when you are 50% to plan and hit the panic button. Get the fuck off here and go sell.. pussy

You sound like a little bitch. If only you spent the same amount of time criticizing JB towards your own professional development maybe you’d actually be worth a damn. What will be fun to watch is when you are 50% to plan and hit the panic button. Get the fuck off here and go sell.. pussy

You sound defensive JB! You may be right about the panic button, I am worried Kestra is going to eat our lunch! I truly admire you for not panicking. You didn’t panic when you were fired from Medtronic or Guidant. You are safe now, Zoll HR is a dream for a guy like you. An AD getting younger females drunk at a meeting to take advantage of them would of had you fired the 3rd time anywhere else! Did you tell your wife about that one?