Does anyone know Jay M and what do they think of him? LOL
That's nice and all but what is the purpose of this thread, and why should we be concerned about Jay M? Is something going on with him that we don't already know? Maybe he is being promoted to mgmt......
You figured it out. He is the new CEO leading us out of this quagmire we call a recession.
ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is old "Belt Buckle Billy" doing? Still working 3 days a week?
LOL, hecan't lead his dick out of his pants without using a string!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You sound like you know him pretty well. Are you his mother?
Seriously, I thought that this thread had died out! Why don't you all leave a guy who has obviously had success in this industry alone, I don't care how he did it or how he continues to do it the fact is that he gets his job done. I don't work for MWI, but I don't think that they (mgmt) are the ones complaining about this guy bc they don't care how he gets it done either right now just like everyother company in this uneasy time for distribution JUST GET IT DONE is the answer from them all.
So why don't we act like grown ups and leave all the weird off color accusations off of this site b/c that isn't what it is here for. Also, why don't some of you people think about the kind of things you are saying about someone you probaly don't even really know. I know him well enough to know he doesn't like little boys, the company of men, or any of that other crap you idiots feel like putting out there. If you can write it about someone else, then they can write it about you on here just as easy, and I bet you wouldn't appreciate that crap.
Are you a party pooper all the time or just on this site? Or do you have a thing for JM we all want to know about. Details, details, details,