Jay Kranzler, ousted as CEO of Cypress Bioscience

Bahahahaha - little too late, but I'll take it:)

WE all sill would be gainfully employed if this could have happened earlier, nw we are living out of my parents house with no car and borrowing all cars for appointments and interviews. Thanks cypress. You so smoothly wiped 0ut my entire family!!!! Thanks. 20% of all reps are still out there pumping those job fairs and begging these DMS to give them a shot at an interview. How sad this all turned out to be!

20% still unemployed, what planet are you living on, this salesforce was decimated and I know of 2 reps in the entire nation who have found a new job. Those are sickening numbers. I am sure a few more are out of the industry (smart move) and are no talking to anyone remotely involved in this blood bath, but the reps who I stay in touch with, which is at least 10 and they all talk to 10 others, NOBODY has got on with another pharma company. There simply are too many reps who got the axe over the last 14 months for the 1 or 2 open jobs in your geographic. You either must move, or learn a new skill and broaden your search and start at entry level for 35K a yr. This is reality. The couple I know who did jump on with another pharma are going to be right back on the job hunt come summer as companies are now doing the CSO and temporary hire packages, whether they tell you this up front or not it is how it goes. This industry is finished.

This is not true about only 2 people being gainfully employed from Cypress.
On my old district team ALL have found better jobs except for 2 people.
Many went to Crescendo, RDL Labs, Myriad &other companies.

I didn't know everyone at this company but I do know that out of the 20 or so I have checked into only about 5 have not secured positions yet.

This is not true about only 2 people being gainfully employed from Cypress.
On my old district team ALL have found better jobs except for 2 people.
Many went to Crescendo, RDL Labs, Myriad &other companies.

I didn't know everyone at this company but I do know that out of the 20 or so I have checked into only about 5 have not secured positions yet.

For what its worth, quite the opposite on my former district. Out of the 9, 1 has a job, and she went back to a prior employer in a fluke like circumstance. I do know of a few reps who I still talk to and it is similar in their district as well, 1 or 2 people have jobs and the other 6,7,8,9 are still pounding the recruiters but nothing is giving. I also know a couple from the West Coast who are landed on their feet, but not in pharma sales. Keep your chin up, this is the worst us job market in the history of our life times, the average amount of time once laid off before a job is found is 10 months per average. We are still way below that number, so keep looking something will give eventually. One would think, but this industry is probably not the best place to beat the odds with, it is dead.

Have heard from some reps across the country. A lot of the ones I am in contact with are employed...some have decided to take time off and be with their kids for the rest of the school year-while others are on unemployment. I know of only 1 district where everyone now has a job-some in pharma, some in dx. Heard all of the mgrs got placed-did any of the former Cypress go to Peter/Bobs company?