20% still unemployed, what planet are you living on, this salesforce was decimated and I know of 2 reps in the entire nation who have found a new job. Those are sickening numbers. I am sure a few more are out of the industry (smart move) and are no talking to anyone remotely involved in this blood bath, but the reps who I stay in touch with, which is at least 10 and they all talk to 10 others, NOBODY has got on with another pharma company. There simply are too many reps who got the axe over the last 14 months for the 1 or 2 open jobs in your geographic. You either must move, or learn a new skill and broaden your search and start at entry level for 35K a yr. This is reality. The couple I know who did jump on with another pharma are going to be right back on the job hunt come summer as companies are now doing the CSO and temporary hire packages, whether they tell you this up front or not it is how it goes. This industry is finished.