Japan Staffing Update

Dan the Marketer

latest greatest from Japan, no more pain after 2018, they will give back all pain drugs they sell, cut LPI down to 120 reps and close to a deal close with Genentech or Novartis for 8201. All pain reps laid off and most of internal team gone too, sales backfills stop around September

and more HQ leaving, 8 VPs left in three months guess why? They know what’s coming and it’s called the end. sad but happy for so many of the floaters and haters who did nothing for years but collect a check and who can’t get jobs no place else it’ll be nice seeing them unable to pay bills and crying in front of their fat wife

japan sent an apology, when they first came Over to share new name the Japanese visitors said daiiichi and then sneezed the aermican hosts said god bless you and Japan said Sank You. The us was confused and this was born our company name. All from a sneeze

japan sent an apology, when they first came Over to share new name the Japanese visitors said daiiichi and then sneezed the aermican hosts said god bless you and Japan said Sank You. The us was confused and this was born our company name. All from a sneeze

Upper management and mid levels should be let go. Starting with the unethical BIG guy on the west. He runs the boys club and sits on his fat ass all day with no product knowledge whatsoever.