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Januvia 'misbranded' as Merck keeps silent on post-marketing violation


Some stupid trial lawyer on a fishing mission...you must be one of them...misbranded, all trial lawyers are misbranded, and only Shakespear knew how to deal with them!


Misbranded! Merck Flunks Januvia Follow-Up Study
By Ed Silverman // February 28th, 2012 // 12:53 pm

The FDA has decided that the Januvia and Janumet diabetes meds sold by Merck are misbranded, because the drugmaker failed to submit an agreed-upon post-marketing study, which the agency had required to assess the risk of acute pancreatitis. The disclosure came in a warning letter that the FDA sent to Merck in which the agency notes the drugmaker is 20 months late in meeting a timetable.

Why were post-marketing studies required? You may recall that, in 2009, the FDA revised prescribing information for the drugs to include information on 88 cases of acute pancreatitis between Oct. 16, 2006 and Feb. 9, 2009. Januvia, by the way, is also known as sitagliptin; Janumet combines this drug with metformin and, at the time, these were the first in a new type of diabetes med (read here).

Here is the background: the FDA sent Merck a complete response letter in October 2009 to say that scrutinizing adverse events reports would not be sufficient to gauge the risk of acute pancreatitis and that, instead, a three-month pancreatic safety study in a diabetic rodent model treated with sitagliptin would be required.

A timetable was established and Merck was required to submit a final protocol by June 15, 2010; followed by a study completion date on March 15, 2011, and a final report submission on June 15, 2011. Completing the three-month study was specified as a condition for supplemental new drug approvals from the FDA.

But Merck repeatedly blew past the deadlines. Moreover, the drugmaker proposed to satisfy the post-marketing requirement by submitting study data from another independently conducted investigator-initiated study, not the agreed-upon studies cited by the FDA. And even then, Merck was unable to meet deadlines for submitting information from this undertaking.

As recently as this past November, the FDA noted a Failure to Respond letter was issued and that Merck replied by including “a brief description of the protocol for the ongoing independent study and an interim report and tables of interim results,” the FDA wrote. Yet Merck still did not provide a final protocol submission for a new study that would fulfill the post-marketing requirements.

As of January 6, Merck submitted data from the now-completed proposed independent rodent study to the IND. “However,” the FDA noted, “this submission is not considered a final study report. Further, FDA has not been provided sufficient information to determine whether the proposed independent study is adequate to satisfy” the post-marketing requirements.

“Therefore, you have submitted neither a study protocol for a new rodent study, nor a final study report for the independent study that you proposed would satisfy the PMRs,” the FDA continues. “You have not provided an adequate explanation for the cause of the delay of either of the milestones in the timetable for completion of the postmarketing requirement, nor did you propose to revise the agreed-upon timeline.”

“As a result, you are more than 20 months late in achieving the June 15, 2010 final protocol submission milestone and more than 8 months late in achieving the final protocol submission milestone in the timetable, and you have not demonstrated good cause for these delays,” the agency writes. As a result, “your product is considered misbranded because you are in violation of a postmarketing requirement (PMR)…”

If Merck does not get its act together, however, the FDA could levy a $250,000 fine for each violation.

In response, Merck issued this statement: “Merck is fully committed to complying with FDA’s requirement and is confident that the company will complete the requirement within the time frame outlined in the February 17 letter. Specifically, Merck will submit a final protocol for a new rodent study to FDA for review within 30 days of the date of the letter, revise it as necessary to gain FDA’s agreement on the new study, and start the study within 6 months. Merck is preparing its response to the FDA now, including the design of the new study.” Here is the FDA warning letter.

However, there was no explanation as to why Merck failed to meet the deadlines or submitted the independent study protocol instead of the agreed-upon information

NOT OLD NEWS UNTIL MERCK FULFILLS ITS OBLIGATIONS!!!! TO THE FDA< THERE IS ONLY ONE REASON THEIR NOT, HMMMM WHAT WILL IT SHOW!!! Merck is notorious for not fulfilling its obligations, they would rather play with fire until it bites them in the ass!!!!

So no i wont leave it alone!!

NOT OLD NEWS UNTIL MERCK FULFILLS ITS OBLIGATIONS!!!! TO THE FDA< THERE IS ONLY ONE REASON THEIR NOT, HMMMM WHAT WILL IT SHOW!!! Merck is notorious for not fulfilling its obligations, they would rather play with fire until it bites them in the ass!!!!

So no i wont leave it alone!!

This person cannot be a current Merck employee. Regardless of how much you dislike Merck, going around posting more negative news (true or fake) seem to be a death wish unless your paycheck is no longer relevant.

really? look it up, still has not been taken care of yet. Because for Merck its cheaper to pay 10 million in possible fines than lose their only cash cow they have left

Do you have a personal campaign going on? I am not saying Merck is right in delaying the response, but let it go. The Big Three have delayed requests like this before. Ford has opted to settle with victims died from the Pinto design flaws before admitting the error publicly. Mosanto has been feeding you modified corn for years. Your oil companies are cooperating with dictators so you can fill your gas tank today. If you have given a diamond ring to someone else, good chance it is blood diamond. Something you are using or wearing are likely came from prison labor. The smartphone you are using every day are made by Chinese laborers working under extreme work conditions.

What we're trying to say is, everybody is doing it, so chill. Or, two wrongs, three wrongs, four wrongs, or more, what's the difference? Two wrongs may eventually make a right? Bottom line: Merck is just like many other big corporations. Nothing special at all about Merck anymore. Merck no longer always does the right thing regardless of the right thing's costs. You trust and value people really kill me. Why on earth would anyone trust Merck when Merck no longer values doing the right thing by their customers, both external as well as internal, by the way. Oh, I get it...better not speak ill, even though it may be the absolute truth, if that puts one's paycheck in jeopardy. Money trumps everything according to Merck employees. Aint that just most admired criteria?! How nice it must be to be a Merck employee. Be well, folks, be well.

Honestly cant stand the company at all, with their lying deceiving ways and the way they treat people. Cant wait for the bomb to drop on them bc of this thats all, nothing more nothing less. its that simple. im not a trust and value person at all, sure companies may do this all the time granted, this one is arrogant, They are delaying the response bc they hmmm might know their outcomes will not be favorable(OPINION), so lets wait it out, pay the fines and keep tarnishing an already fading industry.

What we're trying to say is, everybody is doing it, so chill. Or, two wrongs, three wrongs, four wrongs, or more, what's the difference? Two wrongs may eventually make a right? Bottom line: Merck is just like many other big corporations. Nothing special at all about Merck anymore. Merck no longer always does the right thing regardless of the right thing's costs. You trust and value people really kill me. Why on earth would anyone trust Merck when Merck no longer values doing the right thing by their customers, both external as well as internal, by the way. Oh, I get it...better not speak ill, even though it may be the absolute truth, if that puts one's paycheck in jeopardy. Money trumps everything according to Merck employees. Aint that just most admired criteria?! How nice it must be to be a Merck employee. Be well, folks, be well.

No one is saying you are not right. May be a little bit too holier than thou or focus way too much on Merck. It is not up to you or I to risk someone's paycheck to speak up either. It's their decision and it is not for I to call that person a "good" man for speaking up or an immoral person for keeping quiet. No one say Merck is special either. We are a 3rd or 4th tiered company these days.

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