JANUMET Certification

Which Reps are selling this product?

Upon release, it is an all hands on deck during the first 6 to 12 months. We want to continue to establish ourselves as a major player and force in the DM market. Despite what appears on CP, Januvia sales continue to be splendid! It was nice to see the article that called Merck a major player and "leading" pharmaceutical firm. I think we've almost returned to our status during the glory years.

Upon release, it is an all hands on deck during the first 6 to 12 months. We want to continue to establish ourselves as a major player and force in the DM market. Despite what appears on CP, Januvia sales continue to be splendid! It was nice to see the article that called Merck a major player and "leading" pharmaceutical firm. I think we've almost returned to our status during the glory years.

Leading firm? Are you serious? You have one product on the market. You are not considered a leader by any means. Perhaps if Januvia overtakes the top spot in the market that honor will be justified. But until then I don't see how that could be. What happens if post marketing data shows something the clinical trials didn't pick up? It happens often once a product is opened to the public as a whole. Don't get too cocky yet. It has only been a few months and time will tell what the real uptake will be.

Watch out for Exubera...
Pfizer's best sales force is now selling it.

Are you joking? Pfizer with irrational exubera? Aventis made out when Pfizer paid the 1.5 billion for 100% of the rights to irratioanl Exubera. Exubera is a pipe dream it will never be accepted by the medical community. Add to this the fact Pfizer is dissentegrating and you have a pretty bad situation.